Having seen some of the home brew tooth punchers, I'm looking more along the lines of something I can put on a bench and strike.

I have O1 stock sitting around. I'm thinking about putting together something on a pivot filed to a 60 degree bevel to match saw files.

It would likely be 1/4" O1 hardened and tempered, with an O1 plate below the saw and punch filed out with a taper saw file to the same 60 degree angle. It would cut the teeth by being struck with a drilling hammer.

For those who have trouble visualizing, think something like Harry's saw toother, but instead of having a lever and an eccentric, just something pivoting on a bolt with the business end struck by a hammer - no lever.

Questions for you guys who have metal skills:
1 ) will that punch a hardened saw plate
2 ) if it won't, what should I be looking for metal-wise to do it?
3 ) if it does work, how much clearance should there be between the top part (filed as a 60 degree angle, like one big wide saw tooth) and the bottom (taper filed with a recess to accept the part from the top).

If I could find a foley 385 with ratchet bars locally, I would just get it, but the only one I've seen was selling with an entire sharpening shop, and it wasn't clear which ratchet bars would be included.

Plus, it's probably something I'd use three times a year.