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Thread: Straight router bit with a small 1/16" radius?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ellsworth, Maine

    Straight router bit with a small 1/16" radius?

    I have been making my raised panels in the style of James Krenov, something about the design appeals to my eyes. But to make the panels I have been just creating a simple rabbet all around with a sharp corner down inside the reveal between the frame and panel. I've tried making this rabbet with a radiused bottom corner using hand tools but is very time consuming to get right. Why can I not find some other option in creating a rabbet with small radius in the bottom corner? The only router method option I've been able to dream up is to use a small core box bit with a tiny radius and switch out bits to a straight bit to create the rest of the rabbet. A very tedious method and not always an option if I want to create panels that are more than just square edges. Anyone with some kind of advise on how to create this detail in a raised panel please enlighten me or point me to the proper router bit in which I cannot find anywhere. You'd think with the popularity of James Krenov that such a bit would exist similar to Ron Hock producing blades specifically designed to be used in a Krenov style wooden plane. Hopefully my description on what I'm looking for makes sense. That's the best picture of what i mean for a raised panel with a radius in the bottom edge of the rabbet.

    (Picture is of Nicholas Nelson's ring box. A very talented craftsman.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Peoria, IL
    For that small of radius, I'd use a diamond file and break the edge yourself. Can't change the balance that much between the two carbides. A little inaccuracy between the two carbides won't show because of the rpm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA
    I've made that Krenov detail with a router bit generally called a dish cutter. Here's some --
    This bit gives you the rounded corner, and also makes the straight tongue to fit into the dado -- unlike a box core bit.

    I've used this method on full-scale furniture, not the miniature version you're showing. But maybe if you search with that name you can find the small radius you need.
    Last edited by Jamie Buxton; 07-17-2013 at 10:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If your making enough of them that swapping out bits is too time consuming you can always have the bit you need made! Many companies out there can make a bit to your specs.

    good luck,

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