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Thread: There is a cure for Diabetes - Yes it is true...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Fort Wayne IN

    There is a cure for Diabetes - Yes it is true...

    My wife has been a Type 2 diabetic for 10 years. Late last year she came across this Raw Food Diet and started it on 01/07/2011. Prior to this she was on 35 units of insulin per day. This is day six with no insulin! She does not have to count anything and can eat all she wants. She has even lost 6 pounds over the last few weeks.

    It turns out that there are phytonutrients and enzymes in foods that are destroyed during cooking when foods reach a high temperature.

    The foods are very good. I enjoyed the strawberry cheese cake more than the traditional baked kind. What about bacon from eggplant? It is surprisingly good. It takes some time and planning to prepare the foods but well worth it. We now use a food dehydrator instead on the stove and oven.

    This is truely amazing and I would recommend that you pass this link below along to anyone you know that has this disease.

    Go to
    Last edited by Raymond Fries; 01-26-2011 at 8:37 PM.

  2. #2
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    Glenelg, MD
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    Congratulations to your wife...

    That said, I have a difficult time believing any diet that:

    • is not vetted through the proper medical journals
    • is sold for a fee rather than freely advised through a doctor's care
    • needs its own website to promote it
    • claims known loony-tunes like Woody Harrelson (wasn't he the one who started an oxygen bar, like an alcohol bar but with oxygen tanks?!), a spiritual leader, and a documentary maker are experts in the field.
    Last edited by Dan Hintz; 01-27-2011 at 7:52 AM.
    Hi-Tec Designs, LLC -- Owner (and self-proclaimed LED guru )

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  3. #3
    Is it just me, or does this diet look pretty similar to the Atkins diet? I don't see a lot of carbs on the listed foods I found here:

    One of the Atkins claims to fame was getting people off insulin, as well.

    I wish you and your wife continued success with the lifestyle change.

    Don't forget the multivitamins.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    portland oregon
    When you think about it the raw food diet eliminates most of the garbage that is most people's standard diet. all the processed foods all the fast foods all the junk in most foods. but it is very hard to eat a all raw food diet and to get enough calories. but it does wonders for your teeth and can eliminate the need for a dentist. I think a mix of cooked and raw food is best. some vegtables are not much till they are cooked.
    Last edited by Bruce Page; 01-27-2011 at 12:11 AM.
    Steve knight
    cnc routing

  5. #5
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    A wise person once said "all things in moderation".
    I did try the Atkins thing for about a month many years ago, and an additional benefit to weight loss was that I noticed I had no more acid reflux. I suspect we all could do without a lot of the sugar, carbs, and chemicals that are in a lot of what we eat.

  6. #6
    If I could eliminate something like diabetes from my life, I wouldn't care
    if I had to visit a witch doctor reccommended by the ghost of Elvis.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I too am doubtful that type II diabetes can be cured at this time with just diet. The best I understand is that this disease can be controlled....and the best control is to loose weight if you are either obese or just overweight. Otherwise, it's medication with or without insulin.

    However, I appreciate this post. There is usually some degree of merit to homeopathic remedies. I'm glad your wife is doing better. Diabetes has terrible side effects which compound as we get older.

    Thank goodness for SMC and wood dough.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Fort Wayne IN


    Well this is day 9 with no insulin and her blood sugar is still at the high end of the normal range. This is also day 3 of her eliminating another medication she takes for the disease.

    This is not the only diet-based therapy for diabetes. Have you ever heard of Gersen therapy? Max Gersen successfully cured Albert Schweitzer of advanced diabetes. Gersen therapy has also cured cancer. I have a friend and co-worker that went on Gersen therapy and got rid of her Lupis.

    My wife was a librarian before she became disabled and was forced to leave her librarian job. She did a lot of research on eating raw before she ever bought the DVD & information from the web. Most of her recipes she has gotten from the public library.

    I do have one additional comment about an oxygen bar. I am not sure where Woody Harrelson established this business but it was a wonderful idea if it was in the mountains. We live in Indiana and visited family in Keystone Colorado several years back. I suffered severely from lack of oxygen and I am a non-smoker. We went to an oxygen bar for fun and I left feeling normal again. I am sure that the local people there really get a nice feeling from the increased oxygen level in their blood.

    There are and always will be alternate medical cures that traditional medicine cannot always explain. In my opinion, a natural remedy is always better than the pills and knives that are sometimes offered as an alternative. Sometimes, traditional medicine can do nothing as in the case of my friend that “had” Lupis.
    Last edited by Raymond Fries; 01-29-2011 at 11:36 AM.

  9. #9
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    Woody established his oxygen bar in Hollywood... hardly a need for it there, as there are already plenty of airheads walking around. Inhaling extra oxygen in an oxygen-starved atmosphere is a quantifiable, observable, and repeatable solution to oxygen deprivation... it's not a mystery.

    I have no problems with alternate methods of care that cannot be explained by science... as long as they are repeatable and statistically significant and not just "my friend's brother was cured". If your results are not repeatable and statistically significant, you have zero idea what is actually causing the change you see, and therefore it is practically pointless to tell others to follow that regimen.

    All too often the people who are "cured" of some major disease were simply misdiagnosed in the first place, and that's a disservice to both the "remedy" and true sufferers of the disease itself as data points are now skewed. What kind of Lupus did your friend have? Cutaneous Lupus is essentially a skin rash, whereas Systemic Lupus is a somewhat nastier autoimmune. There is no cure, per se, for Lupus, only mitigation strategies that reduce the chances of major attacks (remission). Changes in lifestyle can allow your body to go into remission... but that is not the same thing as a cure.
    Hi-Tec Designs, LLC -- Owner (and self-proclaimed LED guru )

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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Lewiston, Idaho

    Something being "natural" is no guarantee it's healthy. Hemlock and rhubarb leaves come to mind as being "natural" and toxic.

    With all of it's modern scientific wonders, mankind is just scratching the surface on understanding medicine, IMHO.

    I would recommend keeping an M.D. involved in your wife's life.

    There are a lot of people who die annually as a result of miracle "natural" treatment...just like they die from more traditional treatment.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Iquitos, Peru
    I have seen dozens of people "cured" I donīt know but certainly put in remission for years from type II diabetes. They have done nothing but go on a low starch diet and drink a tea made of the root of the Huasai fruit palm tree. Modern medicine does not take it serious but as I said I have some sad cases put in order. One was a lady who worked for me that had open sores on her legs that would not heal for years from Type II and she healed in less than 30 days after taking the tea twice a day.

    Most after two months stop and as I know of they have had no relapse. This has been used for decades here.

  12. #12
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    I saw a report on the news about how weight loss surgery seems to eliminate diabetes. They said it had to be studied more, since it was just an after effect of the surgery. It makes sense, since they say that your body will make you feel poorly if you eat too much sugar.

    Rick Potter

  13. #13
    My friend cured her gluten intolerance by cutting glutten out of her diet...

    Her diabetes isn't cured. Her symptoms are being controlled by her diet. There is a great difference. If your wife goes off the diet, she will again be insulin dependent. It's good that diet is able to control her symptoms while hopefully being healthy enough to not cause other problems, but this is not a cure.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Fitzgerald View Post
    I would recommend keeping an M.D. involved in your wife's life.
    I could not agree more. Don't cut the M.D.'s out. If nothing else, you can continue to amaze them with the diet solution, and maybe if they're convinced, they'll do more research.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Saint Helens, OR
    A good diet is essential, regardless of what ailment you are attempting to address. A exercise regime is also necessary for most people. We simply do not get enough physical activity in our normal daily routines. The high rate of obesity in this country is the result of a poor diet and lack of adequate physical activity.

    Eat healthy and break a sweat regularly, and you will see many benefits.

    I am glad that signs are positive thus far and I hope they continue.
    Measure twice, cut three times, start over. Repeat as necessary.

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