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Thread: Festool Problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Harrisburg, NC

    Festool Problems

    I have a Festool vacuum, CT22. It is a few years old, but I don't think it has a lot of use. The problem; it will run for about 3 minutes and then shut down, after a few minutes it will run again for another 3 minutes. I removed filters and bag thinking maybe a clog was over heating it, no good. I called Festool, they suggest I replace to motor for $130. Boy, I'm sure getting tried of fixing tools. While I'm ranting about Festool, what is with the electrical cords. If you keep them in the case the cords kink and breaks pretty easily. I know they are easy to chance, but they are not cheap.
    Last edited by Bruce Page; 04-13-2011 at 11:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Who did you buy it from? I'd contact one of the indy sales guys, someone like Bob Marino and see what he'd say. Bob has been in the biz for quite some time and may have heard of others who have had similar issues. Someone over at the FOG forum might have some info too.

    What if you ran the CT, just as a test without the filters installed? Don't use the vac for anything, just run it sucking air to see if the vac shuts down still. I'd keep trying to trouble shoot it yourself and see if you can narrow it down.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Washington, NC
    If the motor has an auto rather than manual reset thermal overload it could be the motor overheating. I couldn't tell by the literature, but it sounds like it might have an auto-reset. Before thinking it is the motor itself, make sure the inlets and outlets are not blocked in any way.

    Other possibilities- intermittent switches- Are you running it by the automatic tool switch or manually? Does it also turn off when you are using the auto switch and when you are not using it? Depending on what you find it could be the auto switch.

    Have you checked the high water level shut-off switch?

  4. #4
    I believe that while it is not intuitive, blocking the vacuum actually reduces the load on the motor. It is under the highest load when it is moving the most air.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2003
    Washington, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Sansom View Post
    I believe that while it is not intuitive, blocking the vacuum actually reduces the load on the motor. It is under the highest load when it is moving the most air.
    While the motor is working less and drawing less current with inlets/outlets blocked, the RPM will go up (higher whine!) more stress on the bearings and brush/commutator arcing/sparking will increase, and cooling may be going down or be non-existent since it is usually accomplished with exhaust air.

  6. #6
    I had a similar problem once, while running a tool from the outlet and with the vac in auto-start mode. It turned out that the receptacle is somewhat flaky and had started melting, so contact was intermittent. This has happened to a few other users and there are threads out there. Once I replaced the receptacle (Festool sent a replacement for free even though I bought mine used), it worked fine.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Schaffter View Post
    While the motor is working less and drawing less current with inlets/outlets blocked, the RPM will go up (higher whine!) more stress on the bearings and brush/commutator arcing/sparking will increase, and cooling may be going down or be non-existent since it is usually accomplished with exhaust air.
    Good point. My Fein vacuum has dual fan, 100% duty cycle cooling. For some reason I assumed the Festool did as well.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell Sansom View Post
    Good point. My Fein vacuum has dual fan, 100% duty cycle cooling. For some reason I assumed the Festool did as well.
    It does, same with almost every shop type vac out there.

  9. #9

    A sales associate at a major woodworking chain told me that the Festool vacuums do have several problems. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Wolf View Post
    Boy, I'm sure getting tried of fixing tools. ..
    Richard, I'd say we are close to the same age, and have been at this game about the same time roughly, and I am at the point where tools that I bought for a lifetime are wearing out. A bit frusterating, especially as many are not replacable, such as my speedmatic saw that runs fine, but the switch is no longer available. Many of my tools are getting close to 30 years old. I was hoping they would last as long as me...........

    I was thinking of you yesterday as I was hired to tear out a stair in a minimansion that would not pass final, bottom step was off by 1 3/4"! Boy if Richard could see this....... Osb shims because they cut the stringers wrong, out of level by 1/2" at the top, and on and on..... And people wonder why I am more expensive......

    PS: I have a PC vac with switch that cost me about what that replacement motor costs, and has been running behind my chop saw for 15 years. I also have a Fein that has been doing well, never owned a festool so don't know how they compare.


  11. #11
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    Harrisburg, NC
    Yes Larry, as much as I love tools, at my age I hate to spend the money anymore, I really don't know how much I have left in me. I'm building three set of stairs for a mansion in Southampton now, I estimate each set weights about 1500#, they have steel in the stringers for support. I get tried just looking at them.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael case View Post

    A sales associate at a major woodworking chain told me that the Festool vacuums do have several problems. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.
    Do you care to elaborate on that?

  13. #13
    Sorry that happened to you Richard. I have had problems with my Festool vac as well. I'd rather not elaborate, as it is not welcome here. I love the domino and the Festool sander that I have, but IMO, the Vacs are not worth the price charged.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Johnstone View Post
    Sorry that happened to you Richard. I have had problems with my Festool vac as well. I'd rather not elaborate, as it is not welcome here. I love the domino and the Festool sander that I have, but IMO, the Vacs are not worth the price charged.
    Surely you don't believe that. I'm a die hard Festool user (read supporter) but even I want to hear what goes wrong.

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