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Thread: New BS...Rikon 10-325 or Grizz G0513...thoughts?

  1. #1

    New BS...Rikon 10-325 or Grizz G0513...thoughts?

    Hi All

    Its time to add a bandsaw to my workshop. I'm choosing to go with the 2 in the subject line for thier versatility (joint cutting, curve cutting, resaw capability).

    I don't have 220v in the shop right now, but it appears both will run on 20A 110 circuit so I think I'm good there. I'd love to here from owners, as I beleive both machines are well regarded.....but does one trump the other in any feature? I did notice that the G0513 has 2 dust ports while the Rikon may only have 1??

    Any info on these machines would be greatly appreciatted.

    Lastly, this is going into my basement workshop (down a flight of stairs with 1 landing and a turn). They weigh in close to 300lbs.....please give me insight as to how each machine could be broken down to smaller parts to easy its transport down the stairs.....this may actually be my deciding factor



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    George, I don't have any insight regarding those two bandsaws.

    I did however move a 17" bandsaw into my basement.

    I removed the table, the two cast iron wheels, the doors and motor. It went down the stairs on a handcart with no issues.

    Your machines will be even lighter.

    Good luck on your choice of machines, regards, Rod.

  3. #3
    The Rikon will need to be assembled somewhat. you need to install the table and assemble the lower cabinet, then install the fence. so that only leaves the main saw body to get down the stairs. should be no issue for 2 men or a dolly.

    I have the Rikon. I also run it on 110 with no issues. I love the saws performance. I do think the bearing guide that come with the saw have poor quality machining for the adjustment slides.

    I did upgrade to carter micro-adjust guides, kreg fence with some mods and a woodslicer 1/2 blade and have no issues resawing

    Great bang for the buck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Northridge, CA.
    I bought the 0513p when it was $695, but it is now higher and I think woodcraft has the rikon for $749 now. I think both are good saws.

  5. #5
    My dad gave me a G0513 for my birthday, It is a great saw for all your needs< I have have good luck with all my Grizzly tools, As for moving your saw the 513 comes with the table not installed. My brother and I took the saw down to my shop one step at a time, He was on the base and I took the top and took our time it was easy to carry then on a 2 wheel cart

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I don't have any experence with the Grizzly but I do have the Rikon and love it. I also am running it on 110 with no issue, although I have not done any heavy resawing. One thing - trash the blade that comes with it and install a good blade - you will be happy you did !

  7. #7
    It looks like the Griz has Aluminum wheels. Pretty sure the Rikon has cast iron wheels, which IMO is nicer.
    Looks like the blade guides are slightly different.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I have the 513x2 and absolutely love it... it is my first bandsaw and I have been using it for about 3 months now. I have used it to resaw 12 cherry, I have been able to saw out 1/16" slices for making Ukulele sides (my latest project)

    A friend o mine has a ricon, not sure which one, but he likes it a lot. I really don't think you could go wrong with either. I am running mine on 220.
    Andrew Gibson
    Program Manger and Resident Instructor
    Florida School Of Woodwork

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Another happy 513 owner but, there are many happy owners of both saws. JMHO but, I do believe that greater power and capacity pay off in a bandsaw where you will be resawing.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sylvania, OH
    I've had the Rikon BS for several years now and really like it. I use it to saw large logs and resaw boards without any problems. I moved it into my basement shop by myself (going uphill might be a different story). The band-saw is my second most-used machine after my lathe.

  11. #11
    I made the mistake of getting rid of a 20" Delta to purchase a RiKon. The service is very good, but I believe that the saw itself is flawed. The first motor was no good and the service replaced it immediately. I have used some of the Griz. stuff, and have been generally happy with their quality. The two speed on the Rikon is easy, but like most gimicks it is only of limited use. After having used the Rikon, I would not purchase one.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Doylestown, PA
    I have the Rikon 10-325 and was faced with the same dilemma. The Grizzly 0513 was about the same price as the Rikon 14". It just depends on how comfortable you are with getting the Grizzly into your basement. The Rikon saw body is only about 4' long. I removed the table and base from the carton then slid the box with the saw body still in it down the steps. No problem. The base comes as flat panels that get bolted together. For my hobbyist usage the Rikon has done everything I've asked of it. If you were planning on carbide blades, the larger wheels would be a real plus.

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