Good stuff and I don't mean to threadjack but this is such an old thread I hope the OP doesn't mind. I'm a total newbie to turning and plan to start making some sticks tomorrow (after I pick up my lathe in the AM) Did I mention I'm a bit new? I've been drumming professionaly for twenty years and like a bit of "off balance" between my sticks, heavier on the left please, so that doesn't scare me. and I have a bunch of hickory, maple and ash to play with. I'm just wondering how best to turn a spindle like this on the lathe. I am totaly new so go ahead and laugh, tell me to read my new owners manual (which I will) but while at the store is there anything I should pick up to help with the process. I'm getting the HF bench top lathe I thought would be a good starter, gets good reviews. I plan on picking up a larger faceplate for other things. I have their chineese 8 piece woodturning kit for starters.
Haven't visited here for a while and thought I'd throw this out at ya'll. Obviously I don't have a ton of loot to drop on this but can I get away with the centers which come with the unit?
Thanks in advance.