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Thread: Problems with ignorance!!!!!!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Bangor, PA
    Ignorance is not a word that applies here, merely a lack of instruction and practice. Ease up on yourself. In addition to a suitable grind, and there are several, technique is really important when turning a bead. (A ball is just a big bead). Personally, I believe turning a round shape on a bowl with a bowl gouge is easier than making a good bead with a spindle gouge. Here is something I learned. The bulk of the cut is made with the side of the tool just behind the tip; the right side as you move right and the left cutting that direction. You will begin with the handle slightly lower than the tip since the tool rest is at the mid point and as you roll the bead the handle will come up to allow you to follow the shape while keeping the bevel on the bead. It's one smooth move and takes practice. Stay off the tip, turn the tool to the right and raise the handle at the same time as you cut from center to side. The handle will finish higher depending on the size of the ball. Have fun.

  2. #17


    actually ignorance is exactly the right word as ignorance simply means "lack of knowledge" which is not insulting its just a fixable state of being

    in direct opposition to "dumb" or stupid" which denotes an inability to learn which is not a fixable state of being

    so with that said .... this is a great place to reduce the totality of "ignorance" particularly as it applies to turning things on a lathe

    many very experienced , very knowledgable and very willing to share people here

    you have shown intelligence by coming to these people with your questions (which i am sure is not exactly a surprise to anyone)

    lots of good tips and suggestions coupled with lots of practice and you will be an accomplished maker of ornaments posthaste

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