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Thread: Safety Discovery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alaska "The Fish Or Die" State

    Safety Discovery

    Greetings to everyone, I have been a longtime lurker that may have submitted one or two photos of my work. I have been away from my lathe for quite a while. I had been getting ready to sell my house and buy a new one. If anyone tries to tell you how easy and nice it is to move into a "Brand new" home call them a I purchased a new lathe last year at this time when Jet had their big sale, and finally got to use it recently. I sucessfully created a bowl, but wanted to see if I could fix some tearout. I broke out my bottle of CA, cleared the tip the started to rub some dust into the bad spots. I ran some CA into the bad spot then rubbed more dust in, This is where I started to grow as a woodturner. For some reason the CA stopped flowing like it had previously. I made the typical mistake of thinking if I got my snout closer to the bowl and CA I would be able to make it appear from the bottle faster. This I learned may be true or may been just by chance but regardless, closer to the bowl & CA is not where you want to be with your face when the CA begins to gush from the bottle at an alarming rate. I am sure it is crystal clear what happened oposed to then when I saw the CA splashingform the bowl back towards my face. I was fortunate my Girlfriend was home as one eye was glued shut and I was worried the other would get some CA in it. She came racing out and I told her what happened. She got me to the kitchen sink and began to rinse my face. Initially one eye was burning quite a bit but that subsided. I still had one eye that was glued shut but we got that opened up and I was back to finishing the bowl. I wear a good face shield when I am turning but didn't give it a second thought in this instance. Trust me I will in the future. Now does anyone have a good way to clear the Dried CA from my beard & mustache?
    "There is nothing more dangerous than a resourcful idiot".....Dilbert

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Spokane, Washington
    Kirk --- That sounds like a scary experience. Only thing I know of that gets rid of CA is acetone, but you don't want to use that so close to your breathing apparatus. It's used in medical procedures, maybe call your local hospital ER and see if they have any ideas. I would bet they are not strangers to CA accidents. Glad your eyes are ok.

    Might want to try shellac next time, or even just mineral spirits to soften up the grain and help with tearout. Any CA that doesn't get turned away can mess with your finish.

    Eternity is an awfully long time, especially toward the end.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Big Bear City CA
    They do make a CA debonder, I keep a bottle in the shop just in case.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Fresno, Ca
    You can use lotion and it will soften it up, The stuff we use in ER is a different formulation that isn't as irritating to the skin. I've gotten it on my glasses before...there is an entire website devoted to that!
    Your Respiratory Therapist wears combat boots

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Kirk - glad you didn't have a lasting problem with your eyes! That could have been a painful experience!!

    Hope your new house issues are getting under control and you will be able to start turning again! Looking forward to seeing some of your work real soon!

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
    Please don’t let that happen!
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  6. #6
    That's a scary story. Luckily I'm presbyopic so I can't even begin to work on the lathe without donning a pair of 2x bifocal safety glasses. I've gotten spattered many times by CA when I thought it was dry and turned on the lathe to find out it wasn't, but never in the eyes. I'm surprised you were able to get your eye open without some sort of medical assistance. As for getting it out of your beard, I've always used scissors.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Northern Kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by Curt Fuller View Post
    That's a scary story. Luckily I'm presbyopic so I can't even begin to work on the lathe without donning a pair of 2x bifocal safety glasses. I've gotten spattered many times by CA when I thought it was dry and turned on the lathe to find out it wasn't, but never in the eyes. I'm surprised you were able to get your eye open without some sort of medical assistance. As for getting it out of your beard, I've always used scissors.
    scissors, do you had hand tremors

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ray just beat me to the scissors suggestion!

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