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Thread: Why I won't be around here any more.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Northern Michigan

    Why I won't be around here any more.....

    "I frequently watch Holmes on Homes and feel terrified at the thoughts of trusting a contractor to do any work on my house."

    "It's not often you find a contractor-type that understands beyond his rules of thumb... they exist, but they're a rare bird. If he doesn't even understand the concept of hot air rises, it's best to let sleeping dogs lie... "

    "Few particle physicists change careers to work in construction."

    These are comments just today about contractors that I find offensive. This attitude that is as common as not on this forum is the reason that I will not be posting here any more. I am tired of the generalizations and resent by inference being accused of being a crook and a half wit.

    Its not just today, but every time the subject of contractors comes up. Internet intellectuals. I have had enough....

    Later, Larry

  2. #2
    Why not take a break Larry- I've read a bunch of your posts and always thought you brought up good issues, and have helped a lot of peaple out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Beautiful Lexington, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Edgerton View Post
    "I frequently watch Holmes on Homes and feel terrified at the thoughts of trusting a contractor to do any work on my house."
    "It's not often you find a contractor-type that understands beyond his rules of thumb... they exist, but they're a rare bird. If he doesn't even understand the concept of hot air rises, it's best to let sleeping dogs lie... "

    "Few particle physicists change careers to work in construction."

    These are comments just today about contractors that I find offensive. This attitude that is as common as not on this forum is the reason that I will not be posting here any more. I am tired of the generalizations and resent by inference being accused of being a crook and a half wit.

    Its not just today, but every time the subject of contractors comes up. Internet intellectuals. I have had enough....

    Later, Larry

    So you know ..... the sentiment you've noted is not unique to any one forum. I work at a motorcycle shop and know first hand the challenges we face trying to fix peoples junk, I also see the actual hours we work (twice as much )vs how much we actually charge. Yet darn near every rider on the forum is an excellent technician and quick to insist that all the dealers are rip-offs. I've tryed to share what I know and how their collective knowledge and accusations are not fair to all dealers but it does not change.

    Don't take it personally, if your good at what you do ...... just grin and bear it.

  4. #4
    For what it's worth, the contractors I've worked with have been quite competent and knowledgeable about their trade. Other people may have had less satisfactory experiences and generalize to all contractors. And people who have had a bad experience are much more vocal than those who've had a good experience.

    And like it or not, we humans tend to generalize. So if we've had a bad experience with a contractor, we tend to lump all contractors into the same bucket. It's not fair but that's the way we are.

    I can only encourage you to not take those comments personally but to consider what's probably behind them.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Fort Smith, Arkansas
    I read that comment and I agree with Larry that it was out of line and insulting to the contractor he was bashing and the rest was insulting to contractors in general. We're all ignorant. Just in different areas. I hope Larry will reconsider. Please?
    My three favorite things are the Oxford comma, irony and missed opportunities

    The problem with humanity is: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and God-like technology. Edward O. Wilson

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Here's the way I look at it Larry. If I see a topic that I have either undertaken that task or can provide helpful advice I do. Hopefully the poster asking the question can use my advice, if not Oh well. Maybe someone searching will find the information useful.

    I encourage the experts who do reply to a particular post to give information. If the poster doesn't want to heed it then thats their problem.

    I encourage you to keep participating if you can help. I always appreciate everyones 2 cents if I heed it or not.

  7. #7
    I hope you'll reconsider, Larry - I always enjoy seeing when you've posted, because I know I'll learn something from it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yorktown, VA
    Over two thousand posts and you're packing it in?? I would have thought you learned how to laugh that kind of stuff off by now. C'mon Larry you're gonna give contractors a bad name. Stick it out!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    mid-coast Maine and deep space
    Besides which have you ever known a particle physicists that you would trust to build your house or change the oil in your truck for that matter? There are those who do and those who criticize - I'd rather hang out with the doers!
    "... for when we become in heart completely poor, we at once are the treasurers & disbursers of enormous riches."

  10. #10
    You've got to decide when you read something you don't like whether or not it's going to bother you.

    As you said, everywhere you go, the same thing comes up each time contractor's are mentioned.

    So if you like the creek otherwise, why bother leaving? If you don't like anything else about it, by all means, nobody makes anyone log in to any forum.

    The only thing I can't figure out about forum posts where someone tells everyone they're leaving, why even bother with the post that you're leaving? unless you want to take the opportunity to violate the TOS one time just because it won't matter what the consequences are.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Unfortunately this economy has spawned a boat load of 'contractors'. Anyone with a hammer and nail pouch is now a contractor. Those are the guys that give real craftsman a bad name. It is typical that the few spoil it for the many. I for one look forward to reading your posts. I know I have learned from them just as many others have. The fact you are a fellow Michigander is a bonus. Reading some of the jobs you have taken on is impressive. If you stop posting I would understand based on some of the comments that generalize contractors. I would be disappointed but I would understand.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Victor, Idaho
    I just finished reading a Winnie the Pooh book to our 3 year old, and had to chuckle with the contractor stereotype of gopher. He showed up with fast talk and high prices to help poor Pooh stuck in the hole....

    Attitudes about contractors and those who work with their hands are not the most flattering in this country. But rest assured, there are many like me on this forum who have great respect for the trades. I certainly have heard far more bad client tales than bad contractors stories....

    The best thing to do is not care what some ungracious and cynical posters type. Remember that those who have a more positive attitude and reasonable social skills are the majority, and often the quietest.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Steve Green < Retired contractor
    Larry I've heard all of the armchair critics over the years say the same thing time and again. Yes it's offensive, yes it's ignorant, and yes it upsets me every time it happens. I also heard the same thing when I was "Just a carpenter". People don't think before they spew mostly and as a rule that spew is something that belongs in the toilet. Let the roof blow off their home or some other disaster befall them and watch how quick they scream for a professional. I've broken many bones, have a for real case of arthritis and other ailments directly related to me pounding my body as hard as we pound nails. The bulk of them have no idea what it takes to get a project from the customers gray matter into a real building. Let me just suggest you consider the source and leave it at that.
    Teaching grandchildren the hobby is rewarding. Most of the time

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Escondido, CA

    I apologize for our stupidity. And our carelessness.

    I have a big problem in my congregation that all of the lawyers are really quality people so I can't use my lawyer jokes.

    We just finished a new building with a contractor named Mark Miller, whom I would recommend to anyone. I now call on him when I need work done at home, because his commission is much smaller than the cost and hassles of not having someone with knowledge and experience in charge.

    Thank you for your excellent work.

    Veni Vidi Vendi Vente! I came, I saw, I bought a large coffee!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    north, OR

    I would say that there are contractors and then there are Contractors. You're a Contractor, don't let comments from the peanut gallery about contractors bother you, the two aren't even in the same realm.

    I've groused about lousy work I've seen done by people who called themselves contractors and I bet you have as well as you've come along behind them to clean up - however when I see someone who actually is a real Contractor I appreciate them that much more and well.. Yeah. That's about it..

    Besides we're all going to wonder how that school house remodel and the greenhouse turn out and how the heck will we find that out if you leave??!?!

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