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Thread: Woodworker II thin kerf review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Bristol and Pound Virginia

    Woodworker II thin kerf review

    I bought a thin kerf WW2 from Matt (Meiser) a short time ago. Thanks for the quick shipping and great packing Matt BTW. I had to order a thin kerf knife so I didn't bother putting it on the saw until yesterday. I wanted to try it but I knew if it was as good as everyone said I wouldn't take it off and I don't want to use a saw without a riving knife if I can help it.

    I have a couple full kerf blades that are good but wanted to try this one. It's night and day better. I used it on some birtch ply and it looks like I cut it with a knife. ZERO tear out but my saw zipped thru it with ease. I've never had trouble cutting ply power wise but I had a few pieces of 8/4 hard maple laying around. I cut it before but could hear the saw slow down a little under load. It was much better than my full kerf Forrest or Freuds. I also ripped some cherry with an intentionally slow feed and there was NO burning. No tear out on anything and I was using my ZCI for standard kerf blades.

    Bottom line is I will be listing a bunch of Freud and standard kerf Forrest blades in the next few days! Why didn't I do this sooner? I have the Porter-Cable hybrid saw. I think it's 1.5 horsepower IIRC and it seems to glide thru a cut without taxing the motor now. I know we balk at prices at times or at least I do but this blade is worth every penny. I will be ordering another so I can bolt it on when this one is getting sharpened when needed. That may be a while since it was in really good condition when Matt sent it to me. If you have a 5 horse saw maybe not but if you are using a bechtop up to a contracter or hybrid it makes a differance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The recurring mantra; cutters, cutters, cutters. The tool guides the cutter. If the cutter is lacking so shall be the result. So it is written, so it shall be
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belden, Mississippi
    A worthy addition to the book of cutting (King Glen version) chapter 1.
    Matt ain't gonna lead ya in the wrong direction either. He's way too visable here.
    On the other hand, I still have five fingers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    LA & SC neither one is Cali
    Amazing the difference twenty five thou makes...
    Of all the laws Brandolini's may be the most universally true.

    Deep thought for the day:

    Your bandsaw weighs more when you leave the spring compressed instead of relieving the tension.

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