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Thread: Weird Stuff People Say At Craft Fairs and Farmers' Markets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Bainbridge Island, WA

    Question Weird Stuff People Say At Craft Fairs and Farmers' Markets

    Hi all,

    As a relatively new turner, I started selling at a farmers' market this past summer. Since then, I've sold at a craft show and am in another juried market. For the most part, it's been an enjoyable experience. I've met some interesting people and have received a lot of positive feedback on my work. However, there have been a few moments that have left me scratching my head...

    1) I have a nice display rack of bottle stoppers. Next to it is a trivet reading "Friendship Is The Wine of Life." I have an empty bottle with a wine stopper in it. Yet, every single time someone comes up and asks "What are these?"

    2) Twice now, someone has come up and asked "Do you sell bottle stoppers?" I reply, gesturing at my display table, "Yes, and pens, ornaments, kaleidoscopes, and boxes." The person then self-righteously asserts "I don't drink" and then walks away....

    3) At a craft fair a couple of weekends ago, a pair of sisters (mid-40s) stopped by my table. One of them was really admiring my kaleidoscopes and turned to show her sister. The sister then went on a 3 minute rant about how much she hates kaleidoscopes. I didn't know it was possible for someone to hate kaleidoscopes as much as she does.

    This is just a small handful. What have been your weirdest customer interactions?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Western Maryland
    I was at a Craft fair one time and I heard a couple of ladies talking about this booth they just stopped by where this guy had kaleidoscopes...and she couldn't stop talking about how much she hates those things... Then they said, too bad he didn't have bottle stoppers! Pretty weird, huh? Coincidental, too... Sorry, Noah, I couldn't resist...
    Last edited by Mike Cruz; 11-20-2012 at 4:39 PM.
    I drink, therefore I am.

  3. #3
    kaleidoscopes, other than the spelling, what's not to like???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Bainbridge Island, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen Cherry View Post
    kaleidoscopes, other than the spelling, what's not to like???
    I know!!! Who could possibly hate kaleidoscopes?

    In addition to odd customer interactions, I've also started picking up on "patterns" with potential buyers. My most consistent one so far is if the customer has a little kid with him/her, he/she isn't going to buy anything. As a parent, I get it. When shopping with my kids, the answer is always "no."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Southern California
    At the Philadelphia Museum of Art show last year, someone passed around "Craft Show Bingo". The makers were to cross off things people say and do. I wish I had kept it because it was really funny - I'm sure "what are these?" was on the list.

    Of course the one I get all the time... "Is that really your last name?"
    Please see personal profile for website info.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Central NC
    It's not always what they say but how they act. I get amused when some of them flinch when they look at the prices.

    I did a craft fair this weekend, had a variety of items including a platter and several tops to spin on it. Great kid attractor but only 1 parent bother to buy a top for their child, and they were only $3.

    As far as comments go. At another craft fair where I had several hollow forms sitting out, I heard a lady say "what do you do with it?". That comment still lingers in my mind. I take more bowls now so it will be more obvious. I still take a few hollow forms but I put artificial flowers in them to help them visualize the possibilities.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Orleans, Cape Cod, Ma.
    I usually have some natural edge bowls, some from burls, and of various sizes. Once in a while 2 women will walk by and one will ask aloud rather accusingly.... "what would you use that for?" I invariably answer.... maybe for keys, candy, coins, jewelry, stuff, and so on until the person would make some kind of queer face and huff off. For the most part, I love craft shows and the interaction with the shoppers. I have gone from galleries where the markup seems to inhibit sales, to a few select craft shows each year, some of them juried. Over the past 3 full seasons, I do no more than 5 one day shows annually and gross $8-11,000 per year.

  8. #8
    I would have sneaked in an English translation on the kaliedescope hating woman. "Don't you like TO SEE BEAUTIFUL FORMS ? then ,after she says, "of course"...I'd say, Well, THAT'S WHAT A KALIEDESCOPE IS! That's the best way to handle hate groups.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Boylston Massachusetts
    How about " It won't hold soup! "

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Montfort, Wi.
    One show I did a fellow stopped and looked at my bullet pens. He wouldn't leave, all he did was talk about various guns he owned and what different kinds he had. I guess he didn't want to go with his wife, rather thought he was talking to a kindred spirit. Meanwhile, I couldn't talk to anyone else.

    Dave F.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Roanoke, Illinois
    Years ago I when I was selling scroll work I overheard these 2 comments a lot. "I have a scroll saw but I can't do that." Or the wife saying to the husband. "You have a scroll saw why can't you do that?"

    Its nice to make money but the best part was all the interaction with customers.

  12. #12
    How about, "How did you carve that bowl out like that? You couldn't have done that on a lathe because it aint round." One of the best or worst, I started craft shows making custom multi panel foogbags (aka Hacky Sack which is a registered trade mark) and juggle balls. I would have my sewing kit there, and be sewing them, and people watching would ask, "do you make those things?"

    There is intelligent life here, but I am only visiting.......

    robo hippy

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    torrance, Ca
    "why is there a hole in it?"
    "thats on purpose"
    "You purposefully put a hole in your vase?"

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Hensley View Post
    I did a craft fair this weekend, had a variety of items including a platter and several tops to spin on it. Great kid attractor but only 1 parent bother to buy a top for their child, and they were only $3.
    OH. MY. WORD. YES! What the heck is wrong with these parents that they'll spend umpteen zillion dollars on junk food at these things, but won't buy a $3-5 top, that the kid obviously loves because he hasn't stopped playing with it since they walked in the booth. I don't get it...

    I'm still shaking my head over the lady that picked one up at my booth, turns, wide-eyed to her friend and mouths "Five Dollars!" and walked away. Lady, if you think that's bad pricing for a well made top, then don't go into the local artisan stores for one. They are twice the price there.
    CarveWright Model C
    Stratos Lathe
    Jet 1014

  15. #15
    A couple of my all time favorites:

    "Is that what I'm getting?"

    "That's not finished is it?"

    "I love wood but I hate (fill in the blank with any characteristic typical of wood)"
    David DeCristoforo

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