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Thread: Delta RC 13 model 22-650 planer

  1. #1
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    Delta RC 13 model 22-650 planer

    Found out I won the bid at a school auction!!!! It is on a mobile base and includes the accessory infeed/outfeed melamine table. Oh, it also came with 2 new W. German sets of knives to boot. Had a little fun getting it out of the pick up (skid steer put it on) but all is good. This is a made in Brazil, Invicta Delta collaboration. Did I mention $65.00? Yeah , yeah, yeah--pics to follow!

    Can't wait to fire it up and see how it compares to my old Parks.

    Epilog TT 35W, 2 LMI SE225CV's
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  2. #2
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    Took it down, cleaned it up, tightened lotsa loose wires. Scraped tons of crud out from rollers. NO RUST to speak of!!

    Purrs like a kitten!!

    I still need to acquire a thin wall wrench for blade changing (will probably grind one), and figure out a jig of some sorts for aligning the new cutters. Any input here is welcomed!!

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    Epilog TT 35W, 2 LMI SE225CV's
    CorelDraw 4 through 11
    paper and pencils

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bruce, you have a little Jewel there! The grandfather of all 4-post planers from the '80s probably. Invicta produced fine machines for Rockwell and then Delta after the name changed!

    Change the gear box oil, grease the bed roll and feed roll bearings, also the column crank screws, and you should be Good for years to come. TOO bad those RC-33s did not have jack screws under the knives! Makes knife changing an all day affair. It would be worth the $$$ to dissect the planer and take the cutter head to a machine shop for drilling and tapping for those jack screws. But the cost differential may make you want to install a spiral insert cutter head instead of retaining the straight knives.

    I have had an original Rockwell RC-33 for over 30 years and it still purrs like day one. Knife setting is its one drawback. The addition of a spiral insert head would make it too amazing! Especially for only $65.00 ! ! I paid $900 for mine in 1985. They sold for about $1300 in the '80s....quite a bundle back then !

    Last edited by Chip Lindley; 12-19-2012 at 6:33 PM.
    [/SIGPIC]Necessisity is the Mother of Invention, But If it Ain't Broke don't Fix It !!

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the comments--it will encourage me to go deeper into this thing. Yep, gear box oil is on the list. I was really surprised to hear it run, could have a normal conversation, 'course I wasn't feeding wood into it. I guess $65.00 will still buy something nowdays..??

    I will figure something out to make it easy for blade alignment--worked most of my life on machines. The longer they ran between failure the more "coffee and cigarettes" we could enjoy.

    Epilog TT 35W, 2 LMI SE225CV's
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  5. #5
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    I use "Dispoz-A-Blade knives. They just sit in the bottom of the knife grooves. 15 minutes to change knives. Costs a little to buy the knife holders,but then the knives,which are double edges,are cheaper per edge than resharpening used to be,plus you don't have knives that get too thin after 3-4 re grinds,and you have to buy new ones. I love mine. If you don't go spiral head,look up the Dispoz-A -Blade co. Grizzly sells them,but not sure about your old model planer.

  6. #6
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    Have you considered a Planer Pal jig?

  7. #7
    I have a planer very similar to that , Delta, that I got with a whole bunch of machinery I bought. It had a knife setting jig with it that was gray so I figured it was a factory deal too. Very easy for it to get lost in the shuffle, especially at a school. Mine works real good. Jared

  8. #8
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    Well I broke down and ordered the Planer-Pal (thanks Gary)! One quick question I have---are the nuts for the knife holders metric or fraction? I can't seen to get my dial calipers on ANY of the nuts (9) squarely to discern. I only want to purchase the correct thin-wall wrench.


    Epilog TT 35W, 2 LMI SE225CV's
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  9. #9
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    I finally got things torn down and cleaned and re-assembled. The old knives were resharpened (by me) and re-installed using the "finger nail" method. I figured since the school kids were allowed to run painted lumber through the machine and is was all gunked up I couldn't go wrong. I basically wanted to see it in action. I do have 2 sets of brand new knives I'll be installing as soon as my Planer Pal show up.

    I ran a board of WO through it and am thoroughly impressed!! I didn't hog it as I wanted to see what kinda results I would have.

    I didn't need this planer in the first place. I have an old Parks that works great. My oldest son (34) wanted to get back to working with wood so I have been trying to set him up over the last few years--I'm thinking he'll be pleased.

    Epilog TT 35W, 2 LMI SE225CV's
    CorelDraw 4 through 11
    paper and pencils

  10. #10
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    I am just getting back into woodworking also, want to adopt me?

    Sweet deal on a great piece of machinery.

  11. #11
    Your best bet for a thin wall #10 wrench is by a company called Park Tools. They make tools for bicycle mechanics and you should be able to pick up the wrench at any local bike shop or easily online. I have exactly the same machine and it works perfect.

  12. #12
    Hi everyone,newbie here..i just purchased a invicta 22-650,the planer works great until the material gets about 12 inches from finishing the cut,board gets stuck and I need to pull it out,major snipe afterwords,any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Astoria, N.Y.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Bondy View Post
    Hi everyone,newbie here..i just purchased a invicta 22-650,the planer works great until the material gets about 12 inches from finishing the cut,board gets stuck and I need to pull it out,major snipe afterwords,any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!
    Are both the in feed and out feed rollers working properly? The out feed roller might not be set right as far as pressure goes. Have you cleaned and waxed the bed? Also, is the work piece supported as it exits the machine?

  14. #14
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    Moscow, Idaho
    I would recommend following the instructions for setting the infeed roller, outfeed roller, and chip breaker to the correct height. Then correctly set the spring tension on both rollers. It's pretty common to find that these settings are way off on a used planer.

  15. #15
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    Just grind a wrench. Took a belt sander to mine in just a few it worked perfect. knife setting isn't that hard.
    Last edited by jack duren; 07-03-2016 at 10:30 AM.

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