I would like to start a discussion about card scraper hardness. I have a favorite scraper which I use 50 to 1 over any others. Don't remember where I got it but I have had it for years . It is 1/16" thick and just a perfect hardness, easy to turn yet holds a edge for a long time. It is also 2" wide which I find to be very ergonomic and I find the non-flexing 1/16" to be very useful. I have always meant to have my friend Rockwell test it but never have and the other day I lost it. I was not a happy camper. I did find it eventually but the loss inspired me to start a batch of scrapers. So I have some O1 1/16" x2"x6" and will be sending 6 of them off to the heat treaters. I have access to a tempering oven when they come back from the heat treaters. So any ideas for a RC # .