How cool is it that people like Jeff Miller, here in Chicago, this weekend; open their shops and facilities to a crowd of strangers, who happen to like woodworking?

How cool is it that Lie-Nielsen ships their goodies and their people around the world to give us a chance to test drive their tools? I'm waiting for Lamboughini to do that.

How cool is it that many other inspirational tool makers and publishers (like Kevin, Raney, Tico and John) are welcomed to grow the neanderthal pie in these friendly, collaborative settings, as a community?

How cool is it that you can walk into a room full of people you have never met and within minutes be talking about how best to seat a tapered, laminated iron on the bed of an old woodie in need of some love, then spend a couple hours mingling along similar lines without anyone ever asking you "what do you do"... because they already know you are birds of a feather...?

How cool it is when someone who knows how to do it the right way answers your question by picking up the tool and showing you how to do it -- and you immediately understand why it has not been working for you, no matter what you try?

Pretty cool, if you ask me.

Thank You -- to all who host and support this type of gathering!
JMiller Event.jpg