Years ago I found this article in a December 1941 issue of Yachting magazine that showed this marking gauge but I only got around to making it a week ago. It is incedably useful so I thought I'd share it here. I modified it a bit as you'll see, but nothing that can't be changed. This is the first drawing from the article.

And this is what I made. I added the pencil on the back side to scribe a line parallel to an edge. I also set a section of some bronze half oval to take the wear.

This is in use scribing an overhang for a plywood deck pattern.

This is scribing an inset edge.

The same inset edge but the rough pattern stock overhangs, no problem.

The pattern piece now cut to the line.

This is the other drawing from the article showing it used to mark a plank to keel joint.

I highly recommend taking the time to make this tool.