Hey guys!

(Ok... How do I upload an .skp that is 220KB in size?)

Please be gentle. So I started using SketchUp. Frustrating, but I can totally see how easy it will be once I hone my skills. Anyway, I have a potential (BIG) job nearly in the bag. We've agreed on the drawing from a functional standpoint. I still have some structural issues to attend to. The unit will be anchored to the concrete floor. There are some structural elements that are flat out not even drawn yet. So I am asking a couple of things from you guys.

1. What would you do differently, structurally speaking?

2. WHat would you differently from a SketchUp POV? Like how I approached implementing the structural ideas?

Any tips would be highly appreciated as always.

I sent the proposal today, and I know it's within his acceptable range. I expect confirmation today.
