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Thread: Help with architectural terminology

  1. #1

    Help with architectural terminology

    I was watching 'Million Dollar Contractor' and they were renovating a 6,000 sqft apartment in NYC. Between two large rooms there was about a 4 foot doorway that the designer and contractor jambed with beautiful gloss black panels. I couldn't tell what they were calling them and I listened to both of them about 10 times. It sounded like 'Ondra-saul'. Were they saying 'Entrance Hall' with a pretentious french accent or is there a proper term for these?
    Thanks, it's driving me crazy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    mid-coast Maine and deep space
    Maybe a couloir? The term applies to a passageway between 2 rooms but don't know that's what they were calling it.
    "... for when we become in heart completely poor, we at once are the treasurers & disbursers of enormous riches."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    San Francisco, CA
    There is a word "entresol", which is pronounced pretty much like you said. Quoting from Wikipedia: "In architecture, a mezzanine or entresol is an intermediate floor between main floors of a building"

  4. #4
    Checking Oxford I get same answer as Jamie,which sounds like a service area. I think your pretentious French idea is probably right.

  5. #5
    You guys are right. The apartment was a duplex (2-storey) so that must have been it.
    Thank You!

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