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Thread: Rabbit Laser/Ray Scott....Great customer service

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Merrimack, NH

    Rabbit Laser/Ray Scott....Great customer service

    I just had a new laser machine (RL-80-9060) installed yesterday by Ray Scott at Rabbit Laser. I've read some good things about Ray and decided to go with Rabbit Laser. Ray flew in the night before and got to my house Saturday morning ready to work. Also, note that the as of the time that Ray was getting on a plane to come to me, the machine had not been delivered. The trucking company said they could not deliver it until next week (they were already 2 days late). Carole at Rabbit Laser assured me it would be there and she made it happen. And then asked me to call her at home Friday night to confirm delivery. These guys are focused.

    This is a good size machine (about 3' X 2' cutting area, somewhere between 400 and 500 pounds I would say). I figured Ray would think I was some kind of nut wanting to bring this upstairs and through a 29" door, but he just dug in and figured out how to do it. In about an hour, the machine was disassembled, moved upstairs by 3 of us, and reassembled, ready to go.

    Ray spent the rest of the day training me. He went over the basics of how the machine worked, identifying the components, and spent plenty of time showing me how to align the mirrors and lens. He had some training literature which was very helpful. We went over laser basics, software, hardware, etc. He even gave me some business tips. To give you an idea of how focused he was, Ray was at my house until midnight, and we didn't even stop for dinner because we were so involved in what we were doing. He worked very hard to make me comfortable, and be as informative as possible.

    To be fair, I'm new at this and do not have anything to compare to. However, I'm not sure how you can beat the company owner flying to your house and spending the entire day intent on ensuring you have what you need.

    So far, I'm very impressed with Rabbit Laser and Ray Scott and it would appear that I am echoing the sentiments of a number of other folks in this forum.


  2. #2
    I agree, Ray did a great job with my rabbit laser installation and training. He also stocks parts.
    Rabbit 1290 80W RECI
    Shopbot PRS Alpha
    Aspire, Corel, Signlab, and many more
    Gerber Edge and 2 vinyl cutters
    plus a shop full of woodworking and metalworking machines

  3. #3
    I agree also. He installed mine back in the spring and to me I cannot understand why anyone in the states would want to go thru importing.

    I saw over on another forum that Ray said there are improvements coming for Lasercut. Did he talk to you any about it? Ray is always pushing Leetro for us.
    Rabbit RL-80-9060
    Roland SP-540i
    Graphtec ce5000-60
    Graphtec fc7000-100
    Happy HDC2-1501
    Juki 1541s

  4. #4
    Bought the same machine from Ray over a year ago. Parts stocked in Ohio, I have received extra goodies in 24 hours (of course I live in Maryland... not too far from Ohio). Ray drove my machine to me and set it up and spent the day instructing and training. My next machine is going to be a Rabbit from Ray Scott.
    For all that I know there is so much more to learn.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Merrimack, NH
    Ray briefly mentioned the Lasercut software improvements, but we did not have time to get too much into it, so I really don't have any more info.
    Glad to hear such positive feedback.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Shelbyville, Tn
    Ray just left me at 9:00 PM tonight after working with me all day. He left his house at 11:00PM last night to bring me the laser by this morning.
    I don't think he knows what the word sleep means.
    Brian Robison
    Epilog Mini
    Rabbit 1290

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