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Thread: Plane storage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    College Park, MD

    Plane storage

    I am in the design phase of a wall cabinet. It will hold most of kit but my question is around planes. I have seen them stored in a till on an angle as well as hung from the knob. To me the hanging option would take a little less room than an angled till. But I have some concerns about the hanging. Now I know it has been done this way for years but does anyone know of any issues in hanging them? Damage to knob, falling (this could happen in either type I guess). I just don't wanna have to write the "my #8 landed on my toe" article . Or quite frankly if they are both safe is there a preference that you would like to share? Thanks, John...

  2. #2
    If you hang them they take more room vertically. If you're going to put cubbyholes underneath for joinery planes then you may as well put the larger ones on an angle above them since you're already extending horizontally from the wall.

  3. #3
    Living in earthquake country, I've always stored my planes flat in a specially-made cabinet. It is the width of a #8 with half-width doors ( so they don't open too far out over my workbench ). For a while I was concerned that this arrangement would damage the irons, but after 50 years I've never damaged one. I suppose flat storage is an acquired taste, but I can't think of an objection to it. The closed-up cabinet with a low-wattage heat source also helps inhibit moisture exchange and rust. Is this an answer to the question you're asking?

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