For the entire history, please see this thread in the Neanderthal forum

For those that don't frequent the hand tool forum, I just wanted to cross post a thank you to a man who made a very generous gesture quite some months ago... Who wanted to give back a little, and who came through in a very nice way.

For those that don't read the other post...
Short version... Noel Liogier donated a number of hand stitched cabinet maker rasps to third semester students at The North Bennet Street School... I will be delivering them to my classmates on Monday, to their surprise and delight,

Noel did not expect or request anything in return,,,,I asked him if it was ok that I post this. He is a class act!

Thank you Noel Liogier!

(Mods, if in any way this violates TOS, feel free to move or delete, but I think it should be ok)
