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Thread: Shop Weather !!!!

  1. #1

    Shop Weather !!!!

    -7 with -45 wind chill tonight!!!

    Time to throw another piece of scrap wood in the wood stove to keep the shop warm !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    Already -15 here. Plus wind chill. Looking like we are going to set an all time "its never been this cold here, ever, since we started keeping records" record. We already blew through the "its never been this cold on this date" record 10 degrees ago.

    Not that I can go anywhere anyway. No vehicle has gone down our road since my neighbor tried early afternoon and got stuck in his 4WD truck. A few trucks made it through earlier but its only continued to get worse. There's talk we may not see a plow for a couple days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    South Dakota
    -18 now was -24 last night. I remember much colder times when I was a kid living in North Dakota. I really don't know what the big deal is, -30's used to be common. I don't even count windchill. They changed the windchill calculation a few years ago now everyone thinks they are having record wind chills. -40 now that is getting cold, hope we don't see that again for quite a while.
    The Plane Anarchist

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Western Nebraska
    I agree Leigh, but... my danged pickup wouldn't start this morning. It was only -22 over night, a couple weeks ago it was -30's for a week, and it worked fine then. Must have got some not so blended winter blend diesel.

    Coldest I've ever experienced was here in western NE, -42 F. Makes everything break. Was pretty cool to toss a cup of hot water into the air and make snow though. Curious now, what's the coldest everyone has experienced?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    We don't have it near as bad as you guys. Currently 18* and tomorrow we're supposed to have a high of 16*.

    Hope you guys stay warm somehow.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Grand Forks, ND
    It was around -25 here this morning, the wind sure had a bite to it. Isn't supposed to last too long, warming up later this week. Sure has been a cold snowy winter so far.
    A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. My desk is a work station.

  7. #7
    We're in single digits now in North Georgia by 8:30 pm. No snow, fortunately. Had the shop nice and toasty today with the pellet stove (jacketed for dusty conditions) and starting a new project: Rocking chairs! SO I sit and contemplate for a while - a very important part of the job.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    South Dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Rozmiarek View Post

    Coldest I've ever experienced was here in western NE, -42 F. Makes everything break. Was pretty cool to toss a cup of hot water into the air and make snow though. Curious now, what's the coldest everyone has experienced?
    Yeah, coldest I've seen was in the -40's when I was living in MN. I was running a dog sled for fun. I had a 6 dog team. Lots of fun. The dogs ran the best at -10, they wouldn't over heat. But with 6 dogs about all you do is hang on. With 4 dogs you have to run and "peddle" a bit so you stay warmer. It hit -40 in those days, I didn't run the dogs but I was outside plenty feeding and caring for them. I had heated water buckets that I changed every night. When I tossed the old water into the air it would vaporize as it froze, pretty cool.
    But I got downsized so I moved south, no more sled dogs and now I hate cold weather.
    The Plane Anarchist

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    northern minnesota
    it is cold now..-35F with windchills even colder. Not as bad as the winter of 95 or 78. Winter of 78 had 6 weeks when it never above zero. It was my first winter in Minnesota and I learned fast about heating with wood.

    Winter of 95 saw colder temps. We had actual temp approaching -50F. I worked for a energy co op, sold propane and heating oil, we ran the trucks 24/7, two men to a truck. I built many a charcoal fire underneath LP bulk tanks..I'll never forget that winter.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Upland CA
    Wow, I sure miss the days when I lived in Cleveland. I remember as a kid being dressed in several layers of clothes, then putting on a 'snowsuit', boots and a scarf over my face. Then mom would open the door and say go out and play. By the time the snowman was done, so were we.

    Unseasonably warm weather here, plus a drought. Next year we will probably have too much rain and flooding.

    Rick Potter

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    Yeah Cleveland was fun when I was a kid. Could go out and sled have snowball fights build snowmen ice skate. Now they won't let kids out and be kids either it is to cold or to hot. I blame the weather people for a lot of this. They think schools have to close if there is a chance of snow and think this is a good thing then they say we don't want to extend the school year when all the snow days are used up.

  12. #12
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    Monroe, MI
    Our conditions got even worse overnight. On the main road nearest us, about 2 miles north of us there are semis stuck in 5' drifts. Apparently there are numerous stuck and abandoned cars throughout the county and the towing companies won't even go out. Over the last 24-36 hours Michigan and Ohio haven't even been able to keep I-75 open in our area for more than an hour or so before the next accident, jack-knifed semi, or even stuck semi blocks it. In NW Ohio there are still Level 3 snow emergencies which means roads are closed for all but emergencies and the news can't even find someone who is willing to speculate when they might be lifted.

    We got down to -17 over night but now its warmed up to -4!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Toronto Ontario
    No snow here, however down to -25 overnight, prediction is for +4 by Sunday..........Strange weather..........Rod.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leigh Betsch View Post
    Yeah, coldest I've seen was in the -40's when I was living in MN. I was running a dog sled for fun. I had a 6 dog team. Lots of fun. The dogs ran the best at -10, they wouldn't over heat. But with 6 dogs about all you do is hang on. With 4 dogs you have to run and "peddle" a bit so you stay warmer. It hit -40 in those days, I didn't run the dogs but I was outside plenty feeding and caring for them. I had heated water buckets that I changed every night. When I tossed the old water into the air it would vaporize as it froze, pretty cool.
    But I got downsized so I moved south, no more sled dogs and now I hate cold weather.
    By moving south, are you referring to South Dakota as is says in your post for your location? I wouldn't consider that warm.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    It was +12 degrees this morning which is extremely cold for our area. Its been years since I have seen temperatures below the low 20's. We have had clear sunny skies since the sun came up but we still had a power outage this morning which is why The Creek was offline for an hour of two.

    To our Canadian Friends.....thanks for the gift of the Arctic Air but I would appreciate it if you would take it back

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