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Thread: Benefits of club membership - you make a difference!

  1. #1

    Benefits of club membership - you make a difference!

    There are numerous benefits from being a member [and an active one at that] of your local woodturning club. Things likelearning, mentorship, trying tools to see if they work well for you before you go out and buy one, blank prep, purchasing in bulk for consumable items like abrasives and glues..........numerous other benefits all make the yearly dues well worth the fact I contend we get far more value back than we ever spend in dollars!

    One of the clubs I am a member of will host world renowned turner, Liam O'neil, from Ireland, this coming Saturday. Well, actually for three days with two of them being hands on classes for those members who want individual teaching from Liam. An all day demo with lunch break on Saturday as well............can't beat it for $20!

    I encourage you to participate in your club and make it a better members allow a club to do so much more than one whose members are ambivalent about club activities!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Chicago Heights, Il.
    We have three in the Chicago area. They are nicely space across the suburbs. Each meets once a month and don't conflict with each other. Illiana turners (South Holland) have about 35 members and a fully equipped shop. They have mentoring and open shop on Weds night and Saturday mornings. The Windy City club located in Lyle and has about 70 members. The Chicago Woodturners (Arlington Heights) is the oldest club dating back to the 80s. They have over 160 members andbring 3 demonstrators a year, and host a two day class with turner. They use 6 Jet 16 x 42 for hands on classes. They will be hosting Turn On Chicago this Augest. It is 3 1/2 days with many well known turners. These clubs are each unique, but all contain the same willing people to make each meeting worth the extra driving. Awesome knowledge base.
    Member Illiana Woodturners

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Prunedale, CA
    Are there any clubs in the Monterey, CA area?


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Stowe View Post
    Are there any clubs in the Monterey, CA area?

    You can check the AAW website........they have a listing of all the clubs in the country.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  5. #5
    If there is not a club nearby.......start one. Even if it is just a few turners meeting in someone's garage once a month.
    There is one in San Jose, another in San Luis Obispo. I have not heard of one in Monterey. I would expect there would be other woodturners there though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, WA
    I wish I could afford to belong to a club. But with AAW dues & club dues & a 60 mile round trip I'll stick to DVD's & turning forums. I belonged to a WW club that met in the same building but it just to far to travel for what I got out or contributed to it. I just like a nice quite shop & doing my thing.
    I usually find it much easier to be wrong once in while than to try to be perfect.

    My web page has a pop up. It is a free site, just close the pop up on the right side of the screen

  7. #7
    Bart........the savings I get on abrasives and glues the club buys in bulk are way more than I spend on membership dues in a years time. The libraries with all the books, DVD's, etc that you can check out and keep for a couple months more than makes up for having to purchase every DVD I want to watch and then the demos......some from world class turners............not to mention all the good fellowship around our chosen craft.............a bargain in many ways and certainly enriches me in many ways.................Grand bargain if you ask me!

    You may approach things differently, but the 40 minutes each way to either of my club meetings is well worth it, and to add.......sometimes we carpool and save expenses and have an enjoyable all the way around! Perhaps you could start some new trends in your local club and make it a better place to belong..........just an idea!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  8. #8
    I agree with those above. Since joining our club I haven't looked back.
    As well as all the other advantages I especially like our club because of the vast knowledge of some of the members & their willingness to pass it on.
    If a member has a problem with any aspect of turning, just ask & you will get up to a dozen answers & probably a demonstration or two as well.

    Last edited by Col Smith; 04-02-2014 at 8:36 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Little Elm, TX (off 380)
    I love being in a club. Dallas/Ft Worth area has 3 plus one or two more clubs in counties surrounding the actual metroplex. I'm over 50 and I am in the younger category. Great friends, mentors, cross-learning. We also do service work at local festivals, Empty Bowls, Beads of Courage and we generally do the symposium enrollment at SWAT each year. Great opportunity to mentor new folks. I have bought and sold tools to members. I have borrowed tools, too. I have been 'saved' by my club network when I encountered a problem completing some commission work. Our dues are $36 at http://www.goldentrianglewoodturners...W/Welcome.html

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Colby, Washington. Just across the Puget Sound from Seattle, near Blake Island.
    Thanks, Roger, for bringing up the subject. There are four or five here in the Puget Sound area, which has always been a hotbed for Woodturners. My own group -- Olympic Peninsula Chapter -- encompasses the Western Shore, but there are clubs in Olympia, Fife, Spokane, Seattle, and the North Sound.

    One benefit that is noteworthy is member discounts. Rockier, Woodcraft, Craft Supply, and other retailers honor AAW and various affiliations.

    Russell Neyman

    Writer - Woodworker - Historian
    Instructor: The Woodturning Experience
    Puget Sound, Washington State

    "Outside of a dog, there's nothing better than a good book; inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, WA
    Being on Whidbey Island has it's advantages, but when it come to discounts at the store the distance from the store kind of shoots it in the foot. That is unless you could get 15-20% off a PM 3520 & were ready to jump on it. I am now trying to decide where to get my turning stock because we live in a coniferous area & I am looking at a way to turn in my new shop using my Jet 1014 to make pens, pepper shakers & all manor of small things. This is my new turning shop are you ready?

    As you can see it has lots of good light & fresh air & I'll need to store stuff away when I get finished this will aid in keeping a neat orderly shop.
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    I usually find it much easier to be wrong once in while than to try to be perfect.

    My web page has a pop up. It is a free site, just close the pop up on the right side of the screen

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