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Thread: Great care from Lansdowne Medical Center....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Wake Forest, North Carolina
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    Great care from Lansdowne Medical Center....

    Last Wednesday (7-9-14) night I was getting ready to go to bed. I couldn't get comfortable. I had a pain in my chest. It spread to both arms. My wife and I were getting very concerned. We decided that she should take me to the hospital to be checked out.

    As we have a couple of hospitals near us we called our insurance provider to ask them which hospital we should go to. The lady asked to speak to me and asked a few questions about what I was feeling. I think this lasted about 1 minute or less and the lady instructed me to call 911.

    An ambulance shows and the techs give me an EKG in my house with a portable machine. They're seeing a little something in the results but I guess not enough to be conclusive about what had happened. We start towards the hospital with the techs sending the readings to the hospital via a laptop in the ambulance.

    Once we get to the emergency room the doctor on duty orders up some blood tests that should indicate what had happened. This took about 30 minutes for the results to come back. A heart attack. A mild one (if there is such a thing) to be sure but still, a heart attack. I'm scheduled to have a cardiac catheterization on Thursday (7-10-14) . They find an artery clogged to the point they had to stent at 3 locations . There are 3 other arteries partially clogged that the doctors feel they can fix with medicines only. I was held in the hospital Thursday night for observation and released Friday (7-11-14) afternoon.

    For those that live around Loudoun County Virginia the work was done at the Lansdowne Medical Center. The heart staff has been together for 25 years and are highly skilled and heavily experienced from the top to the bottom. I think this team actually started at Fairfax Hospital.

    The ambulance techs and many from the hospital staff (including the heart doctor) said it was the right call to call 911 and get the care started. If I would have gone into a full cardiac arrest (and I was no doubt teetering on it) my wife couldn't have helped me.

    This has initiated some lifestyle changes for me pertaining to my health and fitness but I'm very happy to still be here. Frannie and I could not be more grateful that this has turned out as well as it has.

    So, take care of yourselves creekers, and there is a right time to call 911.

    Last edited by Paul McGaha; 07-12-2014 at 4:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Mandalay Shores, CA
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    You're a lucky man. But good luck comes with good sense. I am glad it turned out as well as it did, though I am sorry you had to go through it. After spending more than my fair share of time in the hospital over that couple months, we tend to overlook the care that is provided at a quality medical center. I am happy to hear you are home and acting upon this event. Best of wishes for a speedy recovery.

    "no trees were harmed in the creation of this message, however some electrons were temporarily inconvenienced."

    "I resent having to use my brain to do your thinking"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    You are indeed a very lucky man as your experience could have been very different. On May 1st I found myself on the floor in my workshop waiting for the ambulance, my youngest daughter made the call and accompanied me to the hospital. I spent four days in the ICU and several more days in a regular room before being discharged. On the 14th of May I had a second heart attack at home and spent a couple more days in the ICU and a couple more in a regular room before being discharged.

    Since then I have adopted a low sodium diet, a regular exercise routine through a local cardiac rehab program and a few other changes that may or may not be permanent because of the damage to my heart. The good news is that I feel pretty good these days and I have received more support from the people in this Community than I had ever imagined possible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Coastal Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten View Post
    The good news is that I feel pretty good these days and I have received more support from the people in this Community than I had ever imagined possible.
    It's just because you're a snappy dresser, and make our lives better.
    Don't start thinking that we respect what you do for us, it's bad for your recovery.

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