Around here this time of year all sorts of craft shows start popping up.
Some of them are at schools, churches, fairgrounds, etc.
I've been leery of displaying and trying to sell things at these shows for several reasons but now that I have a laser I'm thinking I can produce small acrylic or wood items that could make for impulse purchases or low cost holiday presents. Smaller than I would attempt on the CNC router.

Over the years of browsing through the shows at a couple local churches and one school, I've seen people trying to sell items over $30, $40, $50 and nobody is buying. So I was thinking if I could come up with items that could sell for $10 and under, I may have a better chance of making some sales.
The items will have to be unique and unlike all the imported junk that's available in dollar stores and big box stores like Menards and Hobby Lobby.

Seasonal, impulse, small and easily carried, something that can be worn like jewelry or a pin or brooch or necklace. Is anyone making those silicone wristbands any more or have those gone out of fashion already? I've wondered if the sayings on those are made from molds or lasered.

Do any of you do these kinds of shows regularly, or have you tried a couple and didn't think it was worth your time?