Winton - have you used that iron yet where you used two stones?

I've been experimenting the last week or two with V11 and a washita, and i started by burnishing the wire edge (the wire edge is tough!!) off with a jasper. Washita to japser, and then ensure the wire edge is off with a bare strop.

Today, I figured I'd just work the wire edge back and forth for 20 or 30 seconds and skip the jasper, and then check and ensure the wire edge was off by running across the bare strop (if it's not, the wire edge will leave lines on the strop, not damage, but visible lines).

I have to grind every two times I hone (the washita is at it's absolute limit sharpening the stuff after there's already a bevel there), but.....

Here's what I ended up with.


The camera makes the shaving look thicker than it does without the flash.

Are you ready to switch to freehand with the washita??

I can hook you up!