I thought of building a new router table,and since the space in my shop is limited I thought of the table saw wing/router table design ,looked at a few pictures on Google,maybe because I'm left handed but none of them seem to be useful to me ,you see, I always stand in front of the router table facing the fence (specially if the piece I'm routing is a short piece) ,guide the stock from the right while pushing it against the fence with my left hand(gently and fully aware of the sharp/spinning bit) ,this is the way I'm most comfortable and have full control.

Now if the router is in a table saw wing,Don't I have to stay at one end of the fence,leaning over the table as I'm routing/guiding the piece? ,if that's how,I would not have as much control would I?how else would you use a router table /table saw extension ?is there another safer way to rout?

I'm still not sure if I should go ahead with the RT extension build ,your help is very much appreciated.