My house is suffering from an explosion of istuff - iPhones, iPads, etc - much of which needs to be recharged almost every night. At the moment stuff gets plugged in whenever and where ever someone remembers to plug something in (i.e. nearest plug when the battery dies). I'd attach a photo of the mess of cables on the floor below the 12 year old's study desk, but it's embarrasing - and expensive because it's a gimme that his chair will end up parked on a cable connector or two before long.

Does anyone have a design idea for something, made out of wood, to organize/fix this? There's about 10" of wall space between his desk and the filing cabinet with a power plug accessible behind the desk. I've thought about doing nothing more than a 3" vertical board with appropriate holes and little shelves sticking out forward for gear, but that's ugly. So ?