Bought a few items from one of the local Office supply stores today.

Turns out one item was a limit of 3. Not only did they not get sticky about the limit being to the same household/business, but when Candy said she was going to check the sign, the person who seemed in charge told the clerk to "just let her have it."

I was talking to one of the 'associates' about how there are more employees in the store than customers yet the check out is moving at glacial speeds. She assured me two registers were open. The person at the second register (at the copy shop counter) walked away with people still in line at the register that was obviously open. She also said their system was having problems and running slow. I mentioned to her the axiom I have heard in other trades, "a worker shouldn't blame their poor work on their tools." When I mentioned there was another business supply store in town she cheerfully told me they were both owned by the same company. I mentioned the Fred Meyer in town also sold office supplies.

The odd thing that got me to walk back into the store after leaving was a quick scan of Candy's receipt:

Picture 1.png

When I asked the woman I was talking to earlier what 8% of a dollar should be, she said she didn't know. The man who seemed like the one in charge kind of asked, "should it be 8 cents?" He offered me the penny and reached into his pocket.

I told them this is one of the things they should get taken care of by their corporate decision makers.

One customer told us she works with computers and sometimes they do not put in the decimals if the tax rate was 8.5%. I checked with the Washington State Department of Revenue just to make sure. The tax rate for the location of the business is 8.00%

So now I wonder if they are doing something shady or they have a programmer who is getting paid too much.
