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Thread: Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

    9 Mar 2015

    Good Morning Everyone,
    It has been a wet weekend here but a good weekend to work in the shop.
    My SIL helped me with getting the front-end on my motorcycle rebuilt to include new fork seals and suspension fluid. I should be ready to ride on the next day with no rain. Also had to build a new top for the old end table that I'm restoring for a long time customer of mine. I should have that finished this week as long as the day job doesn't get all crazy on me as I start oncall duty today.

    The guitar build is well under way and we are starting to machine wood now. It's been slow going due to making templates, figuring stuff out, and just trying to wrap our heads around what needs to be done and when.

    That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weened?

    Best of weeks to you all.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Whitewater Ks
    Well, Friday I took a road trip and picked up a Greenlee Bro's 16" jointer and proceeded to tear into it Saturday. I don't care for mechanical related projects and getting greasy but woodworking does occasionally require it, So you gotta do what ya gotta do
    Only one life will soon be past
    Only whats done for Christ will last

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Southwestern CT
    Greenlee is one of my favorite companies. Didn't even know they made a jointer so I went to Vintage Machinery to look ... there is your project! Looks like a wedge bed design ... should be a great tool. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Yes, a very good weekend indeed, seems like I've been paralyzed by the frigid temps for weeks and weeks.

    Pushing the shop relocation project along, on Sat AM I finally went to pick up a used Grizzly cyclone from a craigslist buy that I made back in late Dec. Hung the 220 sub panel for the large machine end of the shop and got a couple of circuits run, even got to hear my table saw for the first time in a couple months which felt kinda nice. Sunday went to a shop that's closing and disassembled a dust collector duct work system that will be the foundation for my new shop's system. Also picked up a large (not working) upright air compressor for a song in the deal.

    Not only that I made it to church and cleaned off my work bench.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pleasant Grove, UT
    On Saturday morning, after a fine breakfast jointly crafted by my son and I, I scampered off to the local toolmonger. A mere five minutes, in and out, and I was a 10 benjamin's lighter. Then off to the bank, and the credit union, then up to Woodcraft in the next valley over. A while later, I'm driving home, with big box in the bed of my truck and a much lighter wallet, in order to meet a man about a planer.

    I start dealing with the contents of the big box and after a bit, the chap shows up. A bit of lookey-loo and horsetradin', and he drives off with a new (to him) Delta lunchbox planer on a stand, while my gasping wallet gets some reinforcements. I return to the big box, empty it out, taking inventory, and proceed to get things moving.

    The evening comes to an end, things moved along nicely. I logged onto the local equivalent of Craigslist and updated my planer ad, marking it "sold", then I put a new ads for two more tools.

    Morning arrives entirely too early, probably had something to do with the PooBahs monkeying with the clocks. My son and I catch brunch at Rubio's, then I return to my big box contents. While I'm working on that, I get a call, seems as though I've already got someone interested in one of the tools I posted the previous night. I continue beavering away in the garage while waiting for the guy, and lo 'n behold, he shows up. Two for two "Craigslist" buyers who show up, it's a good weekend so far. He checks it out, I explain the features to him (he's a bit of a newb), demonstrate that it does, in fact, actually work. A bit of hagglin', a couple of goodies tossed in, and he forks over a chunk of money. Unfortunately, he's not prepared to take it immediately, so the tool is languishing in my shop until sometime this week/next weekend. I hope it's partying out there with all of it's buddies, doing the whole going away thing.

    I expect that there's something similar to this going on out there, between the old hands and the new kid.

    Semi-unfortunately, the very quick sale of the old tool leaves me in a bit of a pickle, as I was going to be temporarily cannibalizing it until new bits showed up. I pretty much finished up with the big box contents, at least as far as I could get, and moved everything back into the garage. Relaxed for a bit, had some pizza, watched some TV, and at the end of the night decided I needed to tidy up around my workbench. Well, as part of my Woodcraft trip I had gotten their 16pc Forstner bit set. I only needed 1 of them, but since the lack of the bit had stalled me, I figured I'd just get the set and avoid being stalled in the future when I only have a couple of holes to drill. I decided to drill the unfinished barrel-bolt barrel hole for the endcap of my Split-Top Roubo. That worked out so nicely that I decided to drill both the bolt AND barrel hole for the other barrel-bolt. I installed the hardware and right now the endcap is nicely fastened to the slab. Mechanically fastened only, so I can remove it continue with the bench build.

    So, bought a tool, sold two tools, made some progress on my bench build. A good weekend.
    It came to pass...
    "Curiosity is the ultimate power tool." - Roy Underhill
    The road IS the destination.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Mandalay Shores, CA
    Blog Entries
    Long week last week. So a fair amount of time was utilized claening, laundry, and dog walking. Saturday, I got rid of the large chest freezer in the Garage. I ended helping two of my neighbors with their projects. One, trimming panels for a folding screen he made for his sister. The other, drilling neat forstner holes for mounting a coat rack. What I did was get my guitar build assembled (for geometry and to test intonation and the ability to get it intonated). That worked out well. Sunday, I had to take the guitar apart again to mount the pickups (after doing a neat soldering job). I thought I had all the parts necessary to finish assembly, but it turns out I didn't have the pickup ring screws. Additionally, I needed a larger hole to run the two pickup wire sets to the control cavity. So while I started the assembly of the guitar I have been building, I diddn't get to make loud noise on Sunday. I flew out early this morning for another business trip. So next weekend, I'll have time to get it all assembled.
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    "no trees were harmed in the creation of this message, however some electrons were temporarily inconvenienced."

    "I resent having to use my brain to do your thinking"

  7. #7
    I'm finishing up a project for my oldest daughter's birthday in a couple of weeks, it's really stalled over the last week or so because I've been trying to figure out how to cut some of the parts (one required a precise 1.25" hole nearly 3 feet long) so I spent a lot of time thinking about it and staring at it until I figured it all out and as I type this, there are finished parts glued and drying in the shop.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    State College, PA
    I finally finished building a flip-top cart. It is based on Glenn Bradley's. Thanks Glenn!


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