Planning a workshop build this year. Moved last year, had a 12'x16' shop with a low ceiling packed with tools, now looking to build that shop that will last the next 20+ years. Having managed with a small space for years, I have learned many things. Like most people, there are size and cost constraints, but I am lucky enough to be able to construct something from the ground up. Better half said, "If you want a bigger shop, we are getting a bigger house!" Okay, the house part is done.... Some background and facts to consider:

- I am primarily a turner, but still enjoy the occasional flat board project. The latter point requires a much larger shop and the necessity to separate flying chips from other tools. Plan to essentially make a 7.5'x15.5' room for turning (two lathes).
- Not going to pour a slab. I want to mitigate costs, be able to build most of it myself, and rarely does anyone have good things about a concrete floor in a workshop. Will have hardwood floor - shopping for 'utility grade' deals.
- Plan is to construct a 16'x28' (outside dim) structure on piers, with essentially a very strong deck for the floor (think - will hold a buick). There is an existing 10'x14' slab (old shed) that will be incorporated into a corner of the shop. The floor joists (thinking 2"x10"s) will rest on that slab, and that is where the big lathe will sit. Will insulate the apron and between the floor joists with rigid foam, and spray foam for all gaps. Walls will be 2"x6", and buying trusses for roof. It will be well insulated. This is important!
- At least 9' ceilings. Will go with LED lighting. Haven't decided on tubes or recessed fixtures. Probably need localized task lighting anyway.
- Will run as much power as I can out there (at least a 60A 240 service), have a double door and a single door, and probably two windows.
- Trying to architecturally match the house somewhat. English Tudor style. Will use hardi-panel stucco board on two sides, and vinyl on the other two sides not visible. No wood on outside - I know, kind of silly for a woodworking shop. Will use composite boards everywhere possible, including the 'Tudor' look. Note, I'm in the suburbs on a half acre. Would rather spend time in shop than dealing with maintenance.

That is the high level overview, now for some brainstorming and hopefully some conversation.

I want good dust collection, but I'm not looking for a nanoscience clean room. Currently have one home built air cleaner, and plan to build a second to produce a circular air flow. I have have the good 'ole Delta 50-760 DC that I just bought a SDD for, and will probably upgrade to a pleated filter. Also use a Trend occasionally. Current thinking is to dedicate this DC to the turning area. Will be in sound insulted closet. Now for the rest of the shop.... Throwing around ideas. Been learning about DCs for years, and was originally focused on Clearview, but think I have settled on Onieda (plus, I'm only about two hours from them). One man shop 90% of time. If two people are in shop, one is turning, but also hope to have many memorable times with my kids as they grow up. I'm going to discuss with Onieda, but debating if I could get away with the Dust Cobra (industrial). It can supposedly handle 4" ports, and my worst offender is the 13" Dewalt planer (with incorporated blower). A shop vac is one of my most tools anyway. Alternative is probably the V2000 with piping. Its currently an undecided split. Going bigger just kind of defines logic to me because of running a 3HP motor that long (and it runs for long periods of time) when the largest tool I own is only 2HP. If I do end up investing in larger tools some day in the far distance future (15" planer?) I can deal with it then. With that said, while I am constructing the shop, I want to run a duct underneath to the middle where the table saw is going. Since I am at ground level, I really need to run 6" plastic. However, if I do run ducting above the floor (now or later) would consider metal. I have experience with metal in the past. Anyone ever transition from PVC to metal? If so how?

Sorry for the long post. But we all love this stiff, right? One more thing to brainstorm....

The long side of the shop has an unobstructed southern exposure and I am looking into a solar hot water, drain back, radiant heating system. I have searched SMC, and really didn't find much that others have constructed. There are several other sites on the web. A good reference is "builditsolar". Anyone familiar with one of these systems or have something similar in their house or shop? It would require Pex Al Pex in the floor, an insulated storage tank, two small pumps, some thermostatic controls, and the heat collector on the outside vertical wall. Its cheap long term heat, and doing my part so more trees can grow for us, right? I plan to have supplemental heat and A/C for summer (mostly for humidity). Will be looking into efficient split systems.

Its been a long cold winter without a shop!

Alright, thank you for reading my long post, and am looking forward to some brainstorming chatter.......