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Thread: Shaving (not wood)

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie Buxton View Post
    Shaving -- God's way of telling you to wear a beard.
    That works for me. I haven't been clean shaven for close to 50 years.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Northern UT
    I have been using disposable razors for 35+ years. I tried, at various times, the cartridge blades, but didn't seem to work as well and were more expensive. I have mostly used Schick Extremes. they run a little over $1 each, and I can get 10 - 14 days out of each one. Recently I tried a Bic blade that is under a buck and seems to work as good and lasts longer. I will never go back to an electric razor and the idea of mixing and sharpening blades just seems to complicated and time consuming. I prefer it as simple as possible, but to each their own.

    As for gel, I found something works much better than actual shaving gel about 25 years ago. It is called Sunrider Kandesen shampoo. It has a fair bit of eucalyptus oil in it, plus something else that gives is a great smooth shave. it is not cheap, but a little goes a long way. I am one of those that shaves in the shower, so it makes it much easier to use.

  3. #18
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    More is better! That's what I've found, anyway. I started with the twin blade razors in the '80s, switched to a triple when it came out in the early '90s, which I used for 20 years. Then my wife got a deal (probably free after coupons and the like) on the 5-blade Gillette Turbo Mach Fusion or whatever it's called. I love it. Current blade is pushing 4 weeks old, with probably 20 shaves on it. I can tell it's getting dull, but I can still get a good, close shave with it, so I'll keep going with it for a while. I also use the Gillette Foamy Sensitive Skin shave cream, and since I wear a beard 6 months out of the year, a can lasts me well over a year. So that's maybe $30-35 for me to shave for the year, and it's quick and painless.

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    central PA
    Great info so far guys.

    Brett Luna: any more insight on the advantages of "the good stuff" over the "starter kit"?

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    South Coastal Massachusetts
    I've never cut myself with a $.50 safety razor.

    Properly lathered, these clean my beard just fine.
    Look on the Target or grocery store end caps for sales.

    While some swear by their morning ritual, stropping and all -
    it's a time consuming luxury I can't afford.

    I spend 50 cents a razor that lasts me a week, shaving every day.
    I put up a fresh one just before Church.

    That's under $30 a year.

    Still haven't cut myself, either.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Central NJ
    On the subject of shaving but a little off topic, I'd be interested how you shave with these various blades. All the official advice is to shave with the grain. However, I don't find I get a close enough shave by only going with the grain and always make a pass against the grain. Mos of the time it's fine. Occasionally in tricky areas I get a bit of razor burn. How do you guys handle? Related, I recently found CeraVe lotion to be a great after shave soother. No scent or salad-like ingredients, and not greasy.

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Toronto Ontario
    Hi Rick, I use the standard safety razor that takes the double edged blades. I pay about $20 for 100 blades which is a 2 year supply for me.

    I find they're less irritating than the multi blade razors.

    I use a shaving mug and brush for the shaving soap, you get the correct consistency and it's hot, and works into your beard really well with the brush.

    I have 2 of those razors, one is about 60 years old and the other is about 3 years old. The new one is a Merkur 15C, made in Germany.

    Here's a link to the store I use.

    Regards, Rod.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Duvall, WA
    I'm a multi-blade user, having grown and graduated through Gillette Attra, Mach3, and now Fusion. Not because it's the latest technology but because it's the most efficient for me; less drag, fewer nicks and cuts, closer shave. The cost of the blades is outrageous, but they hold their edge for quite a while and I rinse them occasionally in alchohol. And, I use a mug and brush with Caswell & Massey "Greenbriar" soap discs. I've got a turned wooden dish that I use when travelling (unless I cave in to convenience and take along a 3oz bottle of Edge), and a ceramic "Shave Like a Sailor" (submarine service) mug for home use. I don't think I could ever user a straight razor--my fine motor skills aren't very well tuned at 4:30AM when I'm normally getting prepped for the day.
    Last edited by Mike Ontko; 06-04-2015 at 10:56 AM.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Helensburgh, Australia
    Disposable razors for me. I was always sceptical until I tried one and I have never looked back to expensive cartridges or worse still double sided blades in a safety razor. Disposables are very sharp and give me the best shave and they just seem to last forever. A pack would last me at least a year.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Padilla View Post
    +1 on the Neutrogena. Although I accidentally bought their "sensitive skin" shaving cream last time (I usually buy the insensitive version, I guess), which smells to me like stale beer. Not my favorite smell in the morning.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric DeSilva View Post
    +1 on the Neutrogena. Although I accidentally bought their "sensitive skin" shaving cream last time (I usually buy the insensitive version, I guess), which smells to me like stale beer. Not my favorite smell in the morning.
    I just looked and I have the "sensitive skin" version...wasn't aware it came in any other version but I'll check that next time. I guess I never noticed the smell much but it seems fine to my nose. The wife doesn't say anything so I guess I'm good.

    As to shaving style as posed by Doug, I used to shave in both directions: with the grain first and then against on the second pass. I always got a nice clean feel from that until my face started freaking out and now I rarely go against the grain anymore except on my neck where it is always a pain to get everything. It isn't very water conscious but I shave in the shower.

    And to all you Grizzly Adams wannabes, if I could grow a decent beard/'stache, I would do it but I can't so I'm stuck shaving for the rest of my life.
    Wood: a fickle medium....

    Did you know SMC is user supported? Please help.

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Padilla View Post I rarely go against the grain anymore except on my neck where it is always a pain to get everything...
    Same here ^^^....

    I have to go with the grain or get nasty razor rash and bumps and also, find the non-lathering gels better than foam.

    On razors, still prefer the plain old Gillette Sensor. If they made one with a single blade rather than two, I would switch to that. Could never get down with the 3+ blades or whatever. The slimmest profile possible for shaving right around the nostrils.

    Ex-SCM and Felder rep

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Parks View Post
    Disposable razors for me. I was always sceptical until I tried one and I have never looked back to expensive cartridges or worse still double sided blades in a safety razor. Disposables are very sharp and give me the best shave and they just seem to last forever. A pack would last me at least a year.
    Me too. They're cheap, multibladed (3 for the ones I buy) and they last a long time. Don't understand why anyone would buy the more expensive blades.
    I use Nivea Men and like it (it comes in a tube so it's good for travel). But I'll also use the Gillette gel and that works well for me.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  14. #29
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    I've used (the same) Gillette Track II since 1977. I use Gillette shaving cream.

    I have a very light beard, only have to shave every other day.


  15. #30
    I like the Gillette gel ,too,and would still use it had I not changed over to straight razor . The Gillette is one of the worst about rusting uncoated blades. Another example of how changing one thing ....changes everything.

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