This about my brother Mike building his log house H e originally asked a builder to quote on building the shell of the house and he was going to finish it. 3400 sq. ft. they gave him a price of $250,000.00 in 1980. he built it himself(and by himself) in 1981 and never missed a days work. he fell and cut himself everything which went into this house by himself and was all initially done with an alaskan mill. the saw was a 797 McCullough. it was a Walker built saw and thet then were mainly used for competition. he cut all lumber rough and finish lumber . also did his own shakes. think that you will find it interesting. it was built in Nanaimo, B.C.. he was a commercial fisherman and then went falling trees in the winter for something to do.

he burned about 16 cord a year and the fireplace supplied the heat

this was the fireplace and it went right to the top of the wall which was open to the peak on about1/2 of the house