I have not used my laser since loading Corel X7. I bought it only because X4 was causing problems on my new Win 8 laptop.

X7 runs fine but it is changing X4 files in regards to RGB to CYMK by itself. Apparently this a common bug. I have tried all info that I could find. I have tried various default settings but nothing seems to correct problem.

I have notifications set and it is telling me that there are no RGB settings on the files I want to open which worked fine in X4.

The find and replace tab works but sometimes it just converts RGB colors to a CYMK value. Then I have to go and change to RGB it may work or it may give me a color other then pure black RGB for example Then I have to try it again.
I simply will not live long enough to convert all my files manually.

There a couple of open post on the Corel site with no responses.

Anyone with this problem find a way to resolve it?
