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Thread: CNC Router Software Opinion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Waterford, PA

    CNC Router Software Opinion

    Hello CNC Creekers, I am getting my head full of information before jumping in to the CNC world. My retirement plans to make more interesting furniture using 3D type CNC work for my hobby and ??. I've gained a lot of good information on CNC machines and now am looking into the software to make the hardware work.

    So, I will begin by asking some probably silly beginner questions like:

    After the hardware is in place will most of my time be at a computer writing code to get the part or design made?

    Is it important to purchase a certain software package for different machines?
    If so, I assume there are basic, intermediate and expert packages, each with some level of cost and complexity.

    I have and use ACAD Mechanical. Do I just save as a .dxf file then open with a conversion software and done?

    I really don't have a problem learning a new program, but would like your opinion on what works best for you. Just trying to avoid any pit falls where possible.

    Thanks in advance !

  2. #2
    First, welcome to the world of CNC!!!

    This is the basic chain of software to get you from concept to part:

    CAD -- This is the first step - you gotta model what you want to make (or get clipart to do it for you)
    CAM -- This is the next step - it takes the CAD drawings (dxf, dwg, stl, etc) and does all your toolpaths -- more on this later
    Control -- This takes the gcode output from the CAM system and drives the machine to cut the part you've drawn

    CAD - sounds like you already have a start there so I won't delve into that far only to say that there is some overlap in a lot of these packages. Some CAD apps do some CAM and vise versa.

    CAM - this is less specific to the machine but does need to know some stuff about what gcode it can handle. But more importantly, CAM is where the code is created - you don't have to write code manually (you can if you want!) but you do have to understand how to get the machine to work the way you want. CAM takes a drawing and applies basic instructions to create the part in question. Various operations are used to define the toolpaths -- such as: Profile (cut to a line, usually outside, or inside, but can also be on). Pocket (hollow out an area... think mortise or divot or impression). Drilling (yep, buncha holes), V-carving (specialize toolpathing that is really cool) and a bunch of others depending on the CAM package. You set up these toolpaths by selecting geometry imported from your CAD drawing (or drawn there in the CAM app, i told ya they overlap!) and specify cutting parameters for each operation -- profile with a 1/4" spiral, cutting 1/8" per pass, or what have you. Then when all is done, you generate the gcode (some even post directly to the machine and set it running).

    Control - this almost always comes with the machine you buy (along with some cam and cad options usually, too). This is the closest "to the metal" you'll get and it interprets the gcode commands to make the machine move where you want it to for a given set of cuts. Again, there's overlap, so you can use the control software in some cases to perform simple cuts bypassing the other steps as well.

    That's a good overview, if i say so myself, lol. It should help put you in the right frame of mind for evaluating stuff. My personal preferences are as follows:

    CAD: Sketchup, Inkscape and vCarvePro v8
    CAM: vCarvePro v8 and diyCAM Carve
    Control: Mach3

    I can't say enough good things about Vectric's products - they're top notch. vCarvePro or Aspire offer incredible value and I suspect you'll hear about them quite a lot.
    Jason Beam
    Sacramento, CA

  3. #3
    The things you want to do with your machine will have a big influence in your choice of CAD and CAM software.

    Can you model what you want to make in ACAD? If not, then you'll need something else. But for parts cut from sheets or flat stock, ACAD is fine. I actually use AutoCAD for most of my parts, and export g-code directly from AutoCAD using a VBA macro that I wrote. I also use MeshCAM and Vectric's Aspire for more complex things.

    While there are CAM packages at a variety of price points, from free to tens of thousands of dollars, what's even more important, is that different programs are designed for different types of work, and have features specific to the work that they're desinged for.

    If you can post some pics of things similar to what you'd like to do, then people can steer you in a more specific direction.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Deep South
    If you are going to cut out flat mechanical parts, then Autocad or one of the equivalents is your best bet. If you are trying to do artistic things or sophisticated text placement and manipulation, Illustration programs like Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw are far better tools. I have all three programs and for the kind of work I do, I almost never use Autocad.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    I started with VCarve Pro from Vectric. After a period of time I upgraded to Aspire for the advanced capability and I have been real happy with Vectric and the annual upgrade system. You can start with VCarve Pro, Vectric has an upgrade program to Aspire if you even need more advanced features.

    Both VCarve Pro and Aspire will import most of the more common vector formats so you can export files from ACAD, Corel Draw and many other programs that can be imported into Vectric software.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Leland, NC
    IMHO. . . a really good drawing package for doing BOTH mechanical and artistic parts is Corel Draw. Their latest release is X7 which has a "Student/Home" version for $129. It is not really a crippled version of the full blown package. I have used Corel since V1. I was on the full version of X6 and have now upgraded to the X7 home version and it works great. AutoCad works well for mechanical things, but not so much for artistic. I know, I used to use Acad to create artsy things for lasers. Tedious.

    For toolpathing and 3D model creation I highly recommend Vectric products. Great company, great support, fantastic forum! You can also use their software for drawing, a lot of folks do, but I started with the CAD packages eons ago so it was easier for me to stay there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Waterford, PA
    Thanks for all the information so far. Really helps to start getting a handle on what to expect.
    As for what I was thinking of doing with the CNC, here is an example of what I was thinking.

    Not all animals but different objects placed on a board or furniture.
    I imagine making signs too and who knows what else.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Leland, NC
    Jim, doing things as shown in your picture are fairly easy using a program like Vectric.

    If you do not want to create your own models you will not need the flagship product Aspire. Read through the descriptions carefully. Creating your own models from scratch is a fairly large learning curve. However, creating things like edge profiles and such is pretty easy. Vectric has a large section of really good tutorials and you can also download trials of their software to see how things work for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Terrace, BC
    I use Vectric's VCarve Pro, and a lot of VectorArt3D's (amongst others) models. I have made my own 3D (2.5D models), but as others have pointed out - it's a very steep learning curve. I still fool around with it, but I don't feel the time invested is worth it; it's worth noting that I do this for a living, so spending four hours making a model that I could buy for $15.00 is not conducive to making money.

    Here's a link to my extremely unorganized Flickr site - I make a lot of keepsake boxes, cremains urns, and blanket chests - mostly of northern red cedar (which is plentiful and cheap where I'm at), and using hardwood scraps from my furniture making for the inlays. The boxes/chests/urns are not my main effort - but I do bring in a fair amount of business through them.

    If I ever do decide to make custom 3D models, I'll upgrade to Aspire. There are other good products out there, but a Vectric product came bundled with my ShopBot when I bought it, so I just continued with them rather than going to a different product.
    I love mankind. It's people I can't stand.

  10. #10
    Jim, doing things as shown in your picture are fairly easy using a program like Vectric.
    Fairly easy using existing models. Creating models likes that takes a lot of skill and practice. A program like Aspire is probably your best bet if you want to create you're own models.


  11. #11
    Mostly I try to use opensource software. Agree vector / Beziér drawing programs are an excellent beginning for many projects — but not so much for full-on 3D designs. There are some opensource 3D modeling programs, but they tend to be even harder to learn than most commercial options.

    If you’re using Windows 8 or later, you may find some useful things in the App Store:

    Moment of Inspiration is the commercial program which tempts me most for 3D.

    For hobbyist CAM, MeshCAM and CamBAM are the most frequently suggested. G-Wizard seems a very useful utility as well, and the other commercial program which I’ve seriously considered.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Waterford, PA
    Thanks for all the great information. Will be doing a lot of homework to get ready for my dive into the CNC world.
    Think I'll try out some of the software/demo's and see how deep I want to go and get acclimated while the "CNC bank" adds up for a good machine / software combination.
    Be hanging out here till then.
    Thanks again

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    I would stay away from bobcad cam unless you love pushy salesmen. 8 years ago I tried a demo and I am still getting calls and emails wanting me to buy They seem to call at all hours also. I told them I didn't want any more calls but they say that because I requested the demo they have the right to try and sell their product.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Waterford, PA
    I find myself coming back to your write-up Jason for reference. Thanks for walking me through the basics!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Gunter View Post
    I find myself coming back to your write-up Jason for reference. Thanks for walking me through the basics!
    No problem at all. It seems to be the first step in understanding this stuff for a lot of folks. After I built my machine, I started getting asked the same questions you asked quite often so I sorta have a standard speil at this point :P
    Jason Beam
    Sacramento, CA

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