I also have the Bosch 4100-09, and I've been very pleased with the Sharkguard riving knife and blade guard with 2.5" dust collection port which I purchased as an upgrade for the stock knife/bladeguard. I work in a small basement shop in my rental, and keeping dust down if of paramount importance. Before the Sharkguard I was constantly getting sprayed with sawdust that gets kicked out by the blade's rotation, even with a zero-clearance insert. I bought a 2.5" t-fitting for the stock blade shroud dust port on the back of the saw, and connected that to the blade guard with a 10" length of clear wire reinforced 2.5" hose. Right now I am just bungy-cording the hose to the right side of the table, but I plan to make an adjustable hanger for the hose which will mount to the Bosch stand, and give me clearance over the extent of the expanded table. With this setup connected to a 5HP Rigid vac run through a Dust Deputy, I get minimal airborne dust kicked out, and I can use the saw without coming out wearing a coat of sawdust. I did purchase both the thin-kerf and full-kerf knives for a bit more versatility.