I used 1 1/2" square pine from the BORG. Cut all the joinery by hand. (I have since purchased a Mortiser to make some of that easier next time. ) Decided to put levelling feet on it after learning that their living room has a "hand scraped wood floor" that undulates a bit. I don't like the look of them, but it's more functional. It's no masterpiece like so many of you build, but it was fun and somewhat challenging because of the joinery. More than anything, it's got to be rock solid to take the little one's inevitable abuse. I succeeded there.

Finish is 3 coats of shellac, followed by 3 coats of paste wax. I used shellac because it's easy and because it's non-toxic. (Yeah, I know paste wax isn't non-toxic. I out-clevered myself there.) I rubbed out the first two coats of wax with 2000 grit wet-paper while the wax was still damp. Was that necessary - heck I don't know - it seemed like a good idea at the time. But it's a nice finish and when the child beats the devil out of it, it'll be easy to fix.

I will need to tweak the proportions a bit next time - I got "By Hand and Eye" right in the middle of this project but it was too far along to make many changes.

I'd appreciate your thoughts and critiques on this.

Best to all,
