Quote Originally Posted by Dave Sheldrake View Post
I know Bonne and Saskia quite well, very well designed piece of kit too.They have really gone the full 9 yards on making sure it's safe and CE compliant as well.

That won't remotely worry China $27,000,000 is pocket change in the bigger picture to them.

That said I believe GF have said they intend to make the GF more open and stand alone at some point.
The FabCreator does look good though they have a bit more work to do with regards to the controller and processor. Both Bonne and Saskia are pretty active in the community and seem to be good folks. Having the tube move on the gantry to reduce to the number of mirrors and length of the beam is a great idea. I'd buy one of the DIY kits when available if only to support the project.

With few exceptions most of the knock off imports don't do that well particularly with regards to software. That said, like machines won't need to be cloned. It's a hobby laser made with commodity components where the UX/UI is the selling point. You wouldn't have to reverse engineer theirs, you just build your own. If the product scales well many others will be on the train. The lynchpin will be the size of the hobby laser market.