Hiya everyone,

If anyone could point me in the right direction about this it would be most appreciated. For the last three years I have had a couple of lasers, both of which are the Chinese 50w and 60w. Both have served me very well and I have only had to replace tubes and lenses once on each in that time, so I consider myself to be relatively lucky. Anyway, just before Christmas I invested in a second 60w laser cutter from China due to demand and have set it up much like the others. However when I am engraving on this latest machine I seem to get the following bumpy vertical lines effect on the wood? Sometimes it is quite strong like the picture attached and sometimes it is quite light and hardly noticable, however my other machine do not do this, does anyone have any idea what it could possibly be?

Whilst it still engraves perfectly fine, I am a bit of a perfectionist and I notice these lines quite strongly when it has finished a project, as such I have had to temporarily not use my newest laser due to this problem.

I haven't done much research about the problem to be perfectly honest, I was kind of hoping someone would see it and instantly know what the problem is (appreciate that's a big assumption though lol). If anyone could offer any advice etc, I would be most appreciative.

Thank you very much in advance.
