Hey guys,

Sorry if this is super obvious - I operate a laser cutter and have gotten some great tips on here for that = ) but have no idea about other CNC machines!

I need to get a piece of equipment to drill an array of 0.44" diameter holes in a 12" x 12" x 1/2" piece of wood, and my tests with the laser (and from reading on here) have shown that it's just not the right piece of equipment for the job.

I don't need to do any horizontal cutting at all - I JUST want to be able to lock down my material, start the program, and end up with an array of holes in the material (which I would then remove and put on another, identical piece).

Just googling for CNC machines is extremely daunting, and I wanted to ask if any of you had a recommendation for something like this, with a 300mm square / 12" square workspace.

Thank you so much for any tips, recommendations, or links to such equipment!

Steve Garber