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Thread: Today is New Bandsaw Day -Psyched, but a Gripe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    East San Francisco Bay CA.

    Today is New Bandsaw Day -Psyched, but a Gripe

    I am getting my new Laguna LT14 SUV saw delivered today. I am very psyched. I wanted to ask a couple of question though.

    How many of you folks use your bandsaw for both resawing and for scroll type work? The reason I ask is that I bought the SUV because it is billed as the "ultimate bandsaw". Now I am not that naïve that I believe Marketing fluff, but I did assume that you could do everything on this saw that you can with other bandsaws. If its "ultimate" it should do every typical bandsaw operation, and hopefully better. Well, I found out after I ordered the saw that it wont do scroll work (meaning you can't use narrow blades) without first purchasing a set of accessory "Cool Blocks". I was a little annoyed, but figured "how much can they cost"? Well - they are $200.00 a set! I was shocked when I saw this. IMHO that little detail should be made much more clear than it is in any of their literature. I didn't actually find out about this until I started thinking about accessories. I came across the Cool Blocks on their accessories page and it had a small note that these were required on my saw to use blades 1/4" or smaller. I cannot anticipate how I will use this saw - but I can bet I will need to cut some curves, and likely need a narrow blade. Yes I wanted a good resaw saw, but I just assumed for the price it would do small blades as well. I kind of feel mislead.

    Anyone else have this saw? Are the Cool Blocks absolutely necessary? Can I use a small blade with the stock guides (Laguna uses ceramic guides)? Is that idea making you cringe about warranties and somehow ruining the ceramic blocks? Did anyone gripe about this to Laguna and get any satisfaction? I think it is a marginal case of bait and switch. Its not easy to find this point in their literature. I think it is intentionally misleading. I also think they are pricing these things way too high - why are a couple of hunks of steel and some relatively small guide material $200?

    Anyway - it is new saw day, and I am not going to let this screw my mood up too much. Now if it shows up with some other problem I may let loose.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Coastal Virginia
    That's insane... Make some appropriately sized hardwood blocks, soak them in mineral oil overnight and install. Works just as well and you can bury the blade in the block without cringing every time.


  3. #3
    $200 ?? I paid $17 for a set of four on Amazon......
    I don't know if Laguna uses an odd size, or something, but I'd check Amazon .....
    Mine are on an old Delta clone....
    l've used 1/8 inch blades on my saw for years with no issues....
    It can make very tight corners......but my DeWalt scrool saw is all I use now....
    The bandsaw now has a 1/2 inch blade.....
    Last edited by Kurt Kintner; 06-22-2016 at 6:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    I don't know anything about that saw, but would think these can't be beat for scroll work on a bandsaw.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by M Toupin View Post
    That's insane... Make some appropriately sized hardwood blocks, soak them in mineral oil overnight and install. Works just as well and you can bury the blade in the block without cringing every time.

    Your response reminded me of something I read or heard a long while ago. If you have euro type guides and the goal is to "create" Cool Blocks to support a narrow blade, you can make a small block of wood, cut a bandsaw kerf partway through it, turn it around so the open end of the kerf faces the operator, clamp the euro guides on the block from either side, adjust so the blade is buried, and voila, you have a shopmade wood guide that should adequately support the narrowest blade. Never thought about soaking it in mineral oil, but that's a good idea for lubing it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    NW Indiana
    I have a 16" Jet that I use for resaw and some projects. I tried small blades on it and was not happy. I got a 10" Rikon on sale and have the Carter Stabilizer on it. It works really well for small toys and very detail work.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    East San Francisco Bay CA.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom M King View Post
    I don't know anything about that saw, but would think these can't be beat for scroll work on a bandsaw.
    Tom - many many thanks - that is a perfect idea - looks much better than the Laguna guides and is less than half the price. I just ordered the custom Laguna set for my bandsaw! This board is tremendous! Just saved me more than a hundred bucks, and made me very psyched about this saw again. Outstanding!

    My last gripe is that Carter is charging $23.00 to ship a 1 lb package to me via UPS Ground. I know companies like to make money on freight - I negotiated contracts with UPS and FedEx for small package shipping, and I can tell you they aren't paying much more than $6 or 7.00 for a one pound package. That is highway robbery, but what are you going to do - neither Amazon nor Ebay had them.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Central Michigan
    I have used a Carter Stabilizer for scroll work on one of my band saws and find they work very well. The only problem is you have to remove the entire head of the existing guides to install the stabilizer so a quick blade change is not going to happen. Were as if the Laguna has special cool blocks for narrow blades I would think it would be a lot easyer / quicker to change blades. Keep us in the know on how you address this issue and how you like the new saw.
    Richard Poitras
    Central, Michigan....

  9. #9
    I think you should try the saw out with a narrow blade before getting worried or buying more accessories. I have an LT14, and have no problem adjusting the factory ceramic guides to support a 1/4" blade (or a 1" resaw blade). I swap between them often.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    It's not unusual to have a different guide system for very narrow blades. I've "gotten away with" a 1/8" blade on my MM16 with the Euro guides but the tolerance is so tight that it's very difficult to avoid contact with the teeth...something that "cool blocks" and similar are better suited for since the blade can be embedded in them. Even when I had my 14" Jet saw, I switched to "cool blocks" type guides for narrow blades. If I would have had the space, I would have kept the second saw, but given very rare use of narrow blades, I don't miss it too much.

    Best wishes with your new tool!

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  11. #11
    This is off subject a bit, but if you want to do scroll work, why not get a scroll saw? The problem with a bandsaw for scroll work is that you can only cut from the edge. With a scroll saw, you can drill a hole and then put the blade through the hole to do an interior cut.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Virginia and Kentucky
    Congratulations on the saw. Good luck with the Carter guides doing what you want.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    River Falls WI
    Shipping is better if you order from Peachtree woodworking $12 for $75-100. Dan

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom M King View Post
    I don't know anything about that saw, but would think these can't be beat for scroll work on a bandsaw.

    This, if you plan on using a 1/8" blade. I put one on my 1940's Sears 10", and it's wonderful.

    I don't think I'd want to be replacing both the guides and the blade on my 21" Grizzly, though. That Laguna looks like a lovely machine, but getting a small BS just for scroll work is a very very good idea, if you do a lot of that work.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom M King View Post
    I don't know anything about that saw, but would think these can't be beat for scroll work on a bandsaw.
    I second this.. I have one of these and they work better than cool blocks for scroll work and 1/4" blades.

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