I recently picked up a 28" No. 7 Disston at a yard sale, and beyond needing light rust and grime removal it is in good condition. The saw is stamped at the heel and filed at 6 PPI.

What struck me as odd was that the teeth are shaped in a crosscut pattern. The teeth shaping looks original or at least professionally done, so it isn't obvious that it is a reshape of a rip saw. Looking at the Disstonian Institute catalogs, they did sell crosscut 28" saws in 5-8 PPI. The same page also said that the handle was for a 28" rip due to the smooth cutout at the top for two-handed cuts.

My current set of hand saws are on the finer end (8 PPI rip, 11 PPI crosscut) but a bit slow in long cuts, so I was looking for a coarser set for faster rough stock cuts. Would 6 PPI be far too coarse for crosscutting (typically 4/4 oak and other hardwoods)?