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Thread: Hurricane Matthew....Creekers....

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Quote Originally Posted by Belinda Williamson View Post
    Things are finally about back to normal here in Savannah. We were really lucky with power, it was back on at our house Saturday afternoon, as were cable and internet. Lost cable and internet on Sunday, and just got that back last night at home. We didn't have power at our shop until Wednesday morning. No work phone or internet until 2 p.m. Friday. We rode it out, but need the roof replaced (which we were going to do later in the fall anyway). I'm not sure I'd ride out another one, as I was a lot more scared of the tornadoes that spun off than I was of the hurricane. A tornado hit our neighborhood, but missed us thankfully. It was a toss up whether to shelter here, or travel with the 3 house cats and the 2 shop cats . . . Grocery store shelves still aren't back to normal, and Hardee's was out of Sweet Tea today because they didn't have sugar.
    Glad to hear you survived it Belinda! I was thinking of you!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  2. #17
    The eastern half of NC experienced MAJOR flooding. Towns were completely under water. Farmers lost their crops, equipment, and homes. Many borrow to farm, so they still owe the banks. It's going to to be tough going for them, with YEARS for recovery. Many weren't considered to be in a flood zone, and thus couldn't buy flood insurance. One farmer said his mothers house was on "high ground," meaning it was six feet higher than his, so it only had three feet of water in it. Any financial help you can give will be appreciated.

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