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Thread: another solicitor or scamer

  1. #1

    another solicitor or scamer

    Got this email this morning, not sure what to make of it. Since I'm not a business per say I don't understand some of these email I get. Does this guy want me to engrave glass for his company or does he want me to pay him to find me customers?


    Message body

    Our company has a network of almost 44,000,000 online subscribers.
    The technology that we use gives us the unique ability to present
    to our subscribers a preferred, best choice when they are looking
    on any of the major search engines.

    We are looking for a best, preferred choice to send our people
    who are looking for quality glass engraving services in various markets.

    I am in the office weekdays from 8:00AM to 5:00PM Pacific time.

    Best regards,

    Dave Roche
    Network Services Analyst, SPSOnline

    (877) 433.9269, Ext. 571
    If the Help and advice you received here was of any VALUE to you PLEASE! Become a Contributor
    Rabbit RL_XX_6040-60 watt Laser engraving/cutting machine Oh wait its a 3D Printer my bad LOL
    Lasercut 5.3
    CorelDraw X5

    10" Miter Saw with slide
    10" Table Saw
    8" bench mount 5 speed Drill Press
    Dremel, 3x21 Belt Sander

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Suwanee, GA
    It all seems fishy to me. I googled the name "SPSOnline", "Dave Roche" and "" - nothing came up that associates the three of them together. He could be legit and is a 3rd party reseller of some marketing program, but I wouldn't take that chance. The only thing going for that email is that the spelling and grammar are not too bad, nothing like the typical spam/scam email that I get. Click on delete and be done with it.

  3. #3
    They're not looking to have YOU engrave glass products for THEM, they want YOU to pay THEM to have YOUR "I engrave glass" advertisement be found by search engines easier.

    Every day about 3 or 4 people find ME via search engine, even though my website has been down for weeks. Most of those calls result in nothing. Most that result in something net me about $12 an hour. Maybe 1 in 100 calls amounts to anything. The calls that DO work out are those that start with '______ referred you to me'....

    What I'd pay good money for is to be completely removed from the internet without having to completely change my personal and business identity. That's a skill nobody seems to know...
    ELEVEN - rotary cutter tool machines
    FOUR - CO2 lasers
    THREE- make that FOUR now - fiber lasers
    ONE - vinyl cutter
    CASmate, Corel, Gravostyle

  4. #4
    Deleted and gone
    If the Help and advice you received here was of any VALUE to you PLEASE! Become a Contributor
    Rabbit RL_XX_6040-60 watt Laser engraving/cutting machine Oh wait its a 3D Printer my bad LOL
    Lasercut 5.3
    CorelDraw X5

    10" Miter Saw with slide
    10" Table Saw
    8" bench mount 5 speed Drill Press
    Dremel, 3x21 Belt Sander

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Iowa USA
    Like Kev said, if you have a website up or advertise something on Craigslist you will get lots of those type of emails. IF it does not refer to a product I am selling or any of my services.... no analyzing it just gets deleted. Just for fun, Google your name, you will be surprised at what you see!
    Retired Guy- Central Iowa.HVAC/R , Cloudray Galvo Fiber , -Windows 10

  6. #6
    Just like 1 800 DENTIST. Everyone of them pays for the "honor"
    Chinese 6040 by NiceCut. Originally 60 Watt upgraded to 150 Watt.....I thought I had pretty much every problem in the book of laser cutting. It turns out that there is a set of books.

  7. #7
    Hi Mr. Bert Kemp,

    I have an offer for you that you will find most rewarding. I recently found out that you're a prince of a very small island, and to secure your throne, you must send me $1,000,000 American Dollars immediately. In failing to do so, I will be forced to vacate your throne in favor of a lesser royal. I look forward to your response, and will begin your ascension as soon as I receive the funds.

    Eternally Your Servant,

    Johnny Mumbato
    Trotec Speedy 300 - 80 watt
    Synrad 30 Watt - CO2 Galvo
    LaserStar 3804 - 50 watt fiber - SPI Source
    Tykma Minilase - 20 watt fiber - SPI Source - (MOPA)
    CorelDraw X7

  8. #8
    Johnny Checks in the Mail

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacob John View Post
    Hi Mr. Bert Kemp,

    I have an offer for you that you will find most rewarding. I recently found out that you're a prince of a very small island, and to secure your throne, you must send me $1,000,000 American Dollars immediately. In failing to do so, I will be forced to vacate your throne in favor of a lesser royal. I look forward to your response, and will begin your ascension as soon as I receive the funds.

    Eternally Your Servant,

    Johnny Mumbato
    If the Help and advice you received here was of any VALUE to you PLEASE! Become a Contributor
    Rabbit RL_XX_6040-60 watt Laser engraving/cutting machine Oh wait its a 3D Printer my bad LOL
    Lasercut 5.3
    CorelDraw X5

    10" Miter Saw with slide
    10" Table Saw
    8" bench mount 5 speed Drill Press
    Dremel, 3x21 Belt Sander

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Innisfil Ontario Canada
    I love the ones that simply say we want to order your product (????) Could you please send us your catalogue
    Usually from the UAE.. I just delete them.. not worth the time to be bothered with them 100% chance of scam
    Epilog 24TT(somewhere between 35-45 watts), CorelX4, Photograv(the old one, it works!), HotStamping, Pantograph, Vulcanizer, PolymerPlatemaker, Sandblasting Cabinet, and a 30 year collection of Assorted 'Junque'

    Every time you make a typo, the errorists win

    I Have to think outside the box.. I don't fit in it anymore

    Experience is a wonderful thing.
    It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

    Every silver lining has a cloud around it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Brisbane Australia
    Hey thats mine, I was asked before you. HaHa......
    36 X 24 FS Laser
    1.5 by 1.5 Mtr CNC 2.2 watt spindle
    using Corel Draw 16
    Vector programs for CNC

  11. #11
    Hi Bert,

    In your first post, remove your mail adress ...
    Fred (France) with an Universal 50W

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