So, playing off the MLB thread about changing the rules to the intentional walk, what rule changes would you make if given complete control to any sport? For example below are two (or more) changes off the top of my head;

1. Golf - I would give every golfer, players only no fans in the gallery, noise makers to use while the competition is getting ready to hit a ball. No more of this pansy quiet time that is enforced. I would also put in place sharp shooters with paint ball guns to randomly shoot at the golfers. Make it a bit more challenging. You could go all the way and make golf a contact sport, but perhaps that would be taking it too far.

2. Add a four point shot to the NBA. Call it at half court. Four points if you make it, and maybe even you get the ball back as well. They also need to get rid of hand-check rule. They have made the game like touch football. I still remember watching the hard checks from the 80s. Finally, make all free throws 1 + 1. If you miss the first, you are done. Puts a bit more emphasis on shooting ability.

How about the rest of you, what would you change?