Hello all,

I have been working on a pair of desks for the house for a couple months now that will be 27" x 60". The bases are elm leftovers from a bench build. One top will be soft maple and one top will be walnut. The walnut is from a batch I bought locally of CL that had sat in a barn for 10+ years air drying and was a good deal. That's the good news. The bad news is that whoever milled it thought they'ed be frugal and milled it at 4/4 (or less) with a circular saw mill. And I don't think the stack was stickered as well as it could have been. I did know most of this when I bought the pile, and mostly work in smaller dimensions, so figured it'd work out. But for these desks, it has been a challenge to find enough boards straight and thick enough to make a top.

I did the rough milling of the legs with machines and decided to do the tops all by hand. Here's a couple shots of the base in construction. Including a mug full Stress Relief (dowels pounded with a angle iron dowel plate...always reminds me of the wooden peg and hammer toy I had as kid, which was one of my favorite toys).

