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Thread: Self-driving cars--seriously?

  1. #1

    Self-driving cars--seriously?

    I'm perfectly fine with self-braking cars, and self-parking cars, but I for one DO NOT want to share any roadway whatsoever with a self-DRIVING car.

    I'm worried enough about driving next to human-driven cars, especially when on one of my bikes. At least humans can usually hear HORNS.

    I don't trust computers. Go ahead and tell me how jetliners land themselves. But you'll notice the pilot is still at the controls, just in case. But this nonsense I hear about Uber wanting to be the first 'Johnny Cab', scares the bageezuz outta me. PEOPLE should drive cars. Or walk.

    Just curious what other people think.
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  2. #2
    Think this is coming along at the right time for someone my age. There are a LOT of old people on the road, and having the ability to put an address into the car for your destination, and the car taking you there will be great for old people.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    They are known in the biz as "AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES" though someone cracked that he won't consider a car truly autonomous until when you tell it to take you to work it takes you to the beach instead.

    I'm not too worried about it. The technology will advance faster than our reflexes and I believe the end result will be greatly enhanced safety and much more interesting family vacations or weekend getaways of bliss with your Dear one. Imagine all the possibilities ...
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  4. #4
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    My opinion is that self driving cars will never be a success until the government forces the entire population to give up control of their vehicles. Autonomous cars always follow the rules. That means human drivers are always at the advantage and can bully the self driving cars and its passengers any time they like. Think about it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Art Mann View Post
    My opinion is that self driving cars will never be a success until the government forces the entire population to give up control of their vehicles. Autonomous cars always follow the rules. That means human drivers are always at the advantage and can bully the self driving cars and its passengers any time they like. Think about it.
    Insurance companies will force the issue. The not so free market will win that battle.
    "... for when we become in heart completely poor, we at once are the treasurers & disbursers of enormous riches."

  6. #6
    I ride a motorcycle. Everyday I have cars cut me off, pull out in front of me, run red lights and come close to hitting me. I think they will make the roads safer when there is more of them.
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  7. #7
    The crash test robots..... warning, don't call them "dummies ",are demanding promotion. And have some well oiled lobbyists

  8. #8
    It's not just cars. Trucks too.

    I look at them as a safety option to help enhance/improve the driver's ability, but I see it coming to a time in the future where there is no driver in the seat.
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

  9. #9
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    Think about this scenario. You are riding along in your self driving Tesla sedan and a car pulls up behind you and starts tailgating. Your car will immediately slow down to try to maintain a safe distance for the speed. The car behind just keeps pushing towards your bumper. Your vehicle will slow down some more. This will continue until your mighty Tesla stops to let the other car go on by. If you were driving the car, you might speed up a little and change lanes to avoid the bully. There might be lots of other options in that particular situation that a rule following computer can't even imagine, much less execute.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Chance in Iowa View Post
    It's not just cars. Trucks too.
    I agree it's coming and won't be stopped but how will we handle income when the robots take half the jobs?

    there are some serious challenges, no, opportunities lying ahead.

    But folks have been worrying about this stuff forever.

  11. #11
    Anyone who thinks that self driving cars are a good idea or cars that "automatically" do this or that should watch this demo of a Volvo with automatic pedestrian detection!!

  12. #12
    I'm not a fan of them, but I think they are going to happen. Still a lotta bugs to work out yet.

    Art: I'm not following you. Why would the designer tell the car to "slow down to maintain a safe distance" with a car tailgating behind me? There are other alternatives, like "move to the right lane".

  13. #13
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    I wonder what will happen when your car gets a virus and you see a text warning on the dashboard that says send one thousand dollars via PayPal immediately or I will run your car into a concrete wall?

    What happens when a solar flare interrupts the GPS connection and your riding along at 60 MPH? Will all of the cars around you go haywire? Is this a big bang theory?


  14. #14
    The death rate (either by people or miles driven) is way down since the 50's. Even the absolute number of deaths is down dramatically since the 70's.
    However, motor vehicle deaths appear to still be the leading (or #2) cause of non-health related deaths in the US for people between the ages of roughly 5 and 65, according to the CDC.

    I think we underestimate the advances in safety that have been made. However, we also underestimate the sheer magnitude of the danger of driving.

    Computers will solve the problem of distracted drivers, and will reduce the number of these types of driving deaths. However, whether it's technology, war, or nature, humans overestimate their ability to foresee the complete implications of their decisions. We will likely just replace one problem with a different kind of problem - and it's probably not the one we all think.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Bert Kemp View Post
    I ride a motorcycle. Everyday I have cars cut me off, pull out in front of me, run red lights and come close to hitting me. I think they will make the roads safer when there is more of them.
    I drive a car. Everyday I have motorcycles cut me off, pull into an already small following distance in front of me, split lanes, drive on the shoulder, pass at double the speed limit, and ride wheelies while standing on the seat in the HOV lane. Where's the autonomous motorcycles?

    I saw a trivia note the other day, that car ownership will plummet by 2030 as large segments of the population switch to ride sharing and autonomous car services to meet their routine needs. Get used to it.

    As for the autonomous cars, they will evolve. If you can foresee a potential problem today (GPS failure or viruses), developers will formulate a solution.

    And just for giggles, maybe your taxes will be reduced? Autonomous cars can 'platoon'; humans need ~2 seconds of reaction time, or about 120' spacing at 70mph. Computers could set up a comm link to the car at the head of a platoon (>2 cars 'linked' in a lane). If the first car brakes, the last car is braking in 8-10 miliseconds. This allows safe following distances of ~2' at 70mph. Result is higher speeds, more cars on a given road, faster commutes, less road construction, and lower taxes. (Okay, Okay!! I've met a politician and this is just a dream - - at least the lower taxes part.)
    Last edited by Malcolm McLeod; 05-17-2017 at 8:40 AM.

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