Some of us are slow learners...

I am continually leaving the lid off my paste wax container and then going back to the lathe and the next thing I know my wax container is full of shavings...

i frequently blow the dust out from the bottom of a bowl I'm sanding and forget I don't have my glasses on and end up with eyeballs full of saw dust...

I almost always forget to have a damp rag handy BEFORE I start gluing things up so I end up having to run over to the sink and try to find a rag that's never where it's supposed to be while the glue that squeezed out all over something I didn't want to get glue on taunts me....

I measure something once, twice, three times and have it laid out exactly right and make the perfect cut only to realize I forgot to account for the kerf of the saw blade....

im an idiot...

anyone else make the same stupid mistakes over and over?