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Thread: Another email from the Middle East and a comment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Another email from the Middle East and a comment

    I just received this email:

    Hello, My name is Randy Barlow. I am a chaplain serving at an undisclosed
    location. I just wanted to take a few moments to pass along my thanks to you
    and to the people of your organization for taking the time and the expense
    to craft and send the beautiful pens that we recently received. My team has
    handed out these pens during welcome briefings for new folks entering the
    area of operations. They are a beautiful reminder of the people back home
    supporting our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines as they defend freedom
    on the front lines and often in harm's way. I wish that I could look each
    one of you in the eyes and shake your hand and say thank you in person. I
    know that's not why you do what you do. However, these pens are carried and
    treasured by thousands of people throughout the force and they mean much
    more than you could possibly imagine. Please pass along my thanks to your
    team. May God continue to bless the work of your hands.

    Very Respectfully,

    Randy E. Barlow Chaplain, Capt. USAF
    332nd AEW/HC
    Protestant Staff Chaplain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    Anyone can say "I Support Our Troops".
    We have demonstrated that its not just a slogan or words on a page.

    I wish I could give every Freedom Pen Turner a T-Shirt or some other acknowledgement of your support of this program. However every dollar collected has been spent on pen kits or shipping, not one penny has been spent to reward any of our pen turners, groups or organizers. It's a labor of love pure and simple.

    These are our statistics for delivered custom made pens since 2004.
    2004 - 34,490
    2005 - 16,054
    2006 - 16,863
    2007 - 11,150
    2008 - 13,276
    2009 - 11,765
    2010 - 16,812
    2011 - 13,920
    2012 - 13,564
    2013 - 16,284
    2014 - 14,754
    2015 - 17,105
    2016 - 16,482
    2017 - 5,636 and counting
    Totals - 217,850

    This list is the pens that we have shipped directly. There are countless other pens that people have sent to the Middle East from their homes that were not reported to the Freedom Pens Project. Thanks to every Freedom Pen Turner for making this project such a success, we will continue until all of our Troops are no longer serving in any combat area.
    Last edited by Keith Outten; 08-15-2017 at 3:06 PM.

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