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Thread: New LV Combo Plane

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New LV Combo Plane

    The new LV combo plane is now available on the last day of free shipping in case you missed it and are interested.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chet R Parks View Post
    The new LV combo plane is now available on the last day of free shipping in case you missed it and are interested.
    Though I would love to give one a try, it is unlikely I could justify buying one. I therefore hope someone who has received one will post a review and explain the use of all those brass knobs.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Koepke View Post
    Though I would love to give one a try, it is unlikely I could justify buying one. I therefore hope someone who has received one will post a review and explain the use of all those brass knobs.

    I ordered one and had it sent UPS Red, so...

    6 rod-clamp (2 ea x (2 skates + fence))
    2 fence adjust-lock screws (1 ea side)
    1 fence adjust screw
    2 depth stop adjust screw (1/fence)
    2 depth stop lock screw (1/fence)
    1 blade depth adjust
    1 blade tension
    1 wide-blade bias on secondary skate
    1 narrow-blade bias on primary skate

    The "blade bias" screws keep the blade registered against the lateral registration surface in the primary skate. There are 2 for narrow/wide blades. It's a big hard to explain.

  4. #4
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    The "blade bias" screws keep the blade registered against the lateral registration surface in the primary skate. There are 2 for narrow/wide blades. It's a big hard to explain.
    This sounds like the blade tension (lever cap) could be set to allow for blade adjustment in use with the blade bias bolts keeping the blade from slipping laterally. This is a feature that would assist greatly when cutting stopped features.

    What is the diameter of the rods holding the fence? I am curious if the Stanley cam stops will work on the Veritas Combination Plane.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  5. #5
    What did they say about a video is worth...?

    This is a different animal from the 45, not just in the # of knobs it has.
    Last edited by Simon MacGowen; 09-11-2017 at 3:22 PM.

  6. #6
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    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Different sized rods......different spacings. Points on the spurs simply fold over, even in Pine.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Different sized rods......different spacings. Points on the spurs simply fold over, even in Pine.
    Right, the rods are completely different.

    I haven't yet had the spur problem, though I bought an extra set just in case after reading that thread. I also am very careful about spur depth. They aren't slitting blades and they don't work as such.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Different sized rods......different spacings. Points on the spurs simply fold over, even in Pine.
    I think "simply fold over" is a bit of an exaggeration especially from someone who doesn't own one. I merely got a burr on the tip when it was brand new and very thin/pointy at the tip which never happened again once I filed it off and got to the slightly meatier part of the tip.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Different sized rods......different spacings. Points on the spurs simply fold over, even in Pine.
    Do the nickers come with a point? If so, I recommend that they are rounded at the tip. I freehanded this on a worn 600 diamond stone, and then polished on green compund. A rounded tip will last many times that of a pointed tip.

    Regards from Perth


  10. #10
    yeah, that is what I basically did and haven't had any issue since.

  11. #11
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    Jim, I would eventually like to post a 'review' but at the rate of shop time I've been getting recently, it'll be too late. I will say though that the number of brass knobs, though daunting to look at, are very intuitive to use - anyone with any experience using a fenced plane of any sort would be able to figure out how to use the plane within a couple minutes.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Different sized rods......different spacings. Points on the spurs simply fold over, even in Pine.
    Different prices, too!


  13. #13
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    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Spurs would need to be reground to a better profile...and not like a Stanley slitting cutter's profile

    The narrower Stanley cutters are to narrow to work with the cutter holder bolt.....won't reach.

    NOS Stanley cutters will be almost too long, depth adjuster is almost out of threads on "normal" Stanley cutters. NOS ones are about an 1/8" longer than the normal Stanley cutters.

    Veritas irons will fit the Stanley 45, but they are so short, you are near the end of a 45's depth adjuster, when the cutters are new....sharpen them a few MIGHT be able to push them along from above the notch....

    The above came from a 6 part review, done with both the veritas and the Stanley planes, side by side. I could list the site where to find it....PM me instead.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Spurs would need to be reground to a better profile...and not like a Stanley slitting cutter's profile
    It's probably worth noting that many other planes with nickers come with similarly sharp profiles to the LV combo. That includes the LN rabbet and skew block planes and at least some Stanleys as you say. I think the assumption is that anybody who buys a plane like this will grind/hone "to taste'. That being the case it makes sense to start with a sharp point, as it's much easier to round a pointy profile than to sharpen a blunt one.

    The only previous examples that I've seen that don't have pointy nickers are the LV rabbets (bench and otherwise) and the LV and LN skew block planes. Those use wheel cutters, though I suspect there wasn't room to incorporate that mechanism in a skate.

    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    The narrower Stanley cutters are to narrow to work with the cutter holder bolt.....won't reach.
    The only Stanley cutters that don't work are the #10 (1/8" plough) and the #32 (narrowest fluting cutter). There are two issues: Those cutters have a hole instead of a slot for depth adjust, so the LV depth adjust mechanism is incompatible. Also and as you say, the tensioning bolt falls "outside" of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    NOS Stanley cutters will be almost too long, depth adjuster is almost out of threads on "normal" Stanley cutters. NOS ones are about an 1/8" longer than the normal Stanley cutters.
    What do you mean by "NOS" here"? The as-factory-ground cutters for my 55 have about 1/8" of clearance with the LV depth adjust mechanism. Did Stanley subsequently change the design?

    Also if this is a real issue then I suspect there's a workaround. The Veritas adjuster is made out of 2 parts - the brass knob and the steel nut with the adjustment flange. It looks to me as though you could remove the brass knob and reverse the nut (so that the threaded part is mostly below the flange instead of mostly above) and thereby add about 1/2" of adjustment range. The ergonomics wouldn't be great (no knob = not much leverage).

    You could also turn your own nut with a longer threaded section below the flange, obviously (or LV could offer one... hint hint).

    I don't have any non-fitting irons so I'm not inclined to try to separate my nut and knob. They appear to be Loctite-ed together.

    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    Veritas irons will fit the Stanley 45, but they are so short, you are near the end of a 45's depth adjuster, when the cutters are new....sharpen them a few MIGHT be able to push them along from above the notch....
    Errm, how exactly are you sharpening? My LV irons extend 3/8" beyond the bottom of the main skate in my Stanley with the adjuster bottomed out. I don't know about you, but I don't remove 1/8" of steel per sharpening.

    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    The above came from a 6 part review, done with both the veritas and the Stanley planes, side by side. I could list the site where to find it....PM me instead.
    Sounds like somebody had a serious axe to grind and didn't let facts get in the way.

    With all of that said, the LV is a different design with different tradeoffs. Some will like it, others may not. Personally I like having blade bias screws and a blade tension mechanism that doesn't bind all the time. The Stanley "cone" tensioner design allows their planes to support very narrow irons, but it brings problems of its own...
    Last edited by Patrick Chase; 09-12-2017 at 12:51 PM.

  15. #15
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    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    I did not do the review....two others got together to compare both a Stanley 45 and the Veritas Combo plane. They reshaped the profile on the nickers, AFTER they had found then bent over at the a pine board.

    Afraid the cutters on MY Stanley 45 are about.....90 years old, and have been sharpened quite a few times BEFORE I even got them.

    The two "testers" compared the way the cutters fit into BOTH planes. They almost ran out of threads on the veritas plane, trying to install a simple cutter from a #45's set. Again, they used a type 17 and a type 6 #45 and their cutters. YMMV

    The bolt referred to? Is the ones that thread into the sides of the cutter, either on the sliding stock or the main stock. Might want to slip back and check on that as well....or did you miss that little detail...since it is what Veritas calls that bolt.

    Not sure where YOU bought those two cutters might want a refund for getting the wrong ones. IF you want, I can go and look at the ones I have ( I just used the #11 this week..) There IS one cutter by Stanley, that has no notch, as it is shorter than the normal cutters. The pin will push on the end of that. And, I just went and checked the 1/8" cutter and the #11 3/16" cutters. The 1/8" cutter was too narrow to make a notch for the pin.

    Even nhplaneparts has no idea WHY there are cutters with holes, instead of slots....
    Last edited by Lee Schierer; 09-12-2017 at 8:50 PM.

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