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Thread: First Table help

  1. #1

    First Table help

    Good Morning,

    i am making my first table. Its a small end table: My question is this:

    I want to use 2x2 boards for the legs: I was thinking of rounding over all 4 sides of the the 2x2 or maybe just taper them: If i decide to taper should i cut the tapers first and then round over or round over and then taper:

    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santa Fe, NM
    I think you'd have to taper first, then round over unless I'm misunderstanding your question. If you round over then taper you'll be removing the roundover by cutting the taper.

  3. #3
    1. Square up
    2. Cut joinery
    3. Taper
    4. Round over

  4. #4
    Tapered legs usually look best turned or with square edges . A small rounding might help ,"be sure you are right ,then go ahead"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Kansas City
    Take care that in rounding, you don't end up with legs too skinny.

    When I taper, I just soften the edges a bit by sanding, not a round over. It depends on the style you're going for, however.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Make a practice leg.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Prashun Patel View Post
    1. Square up
    2. Cut joinery
    3. Taper
    4. Round over

    Like this, but I typically chamfer the legs, not round over. A chamfer maintains a precise look, a round over makes things look a bit less crisp.
    Making furniture teaches us new ways to remove splinters.

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